Using KVM with OpenSUSE 11.1

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by JBetancourt, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. JBetancourt

    JBetancourt New Member

    Does anyone have any good pointers on how to use some of the existing KVM setups for Fedora or CentOS and apply them to OpenSUSE (specifically 11.1).

    I'm afraid that OpenSUSE 11.1 does not provide for the virt-install capability and I have had very little success using virt-manager to create QEMU images on OpenSUSE.

    Lastly, I'm also looking for a good 'translation' of how to setup the bridge from Fedora to OpenSUSE.

    Any ideas, hints, suggestions?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm sorry, but I haven't tried this on OpenSUSE, and I guess the Fedora/CentOS setups won't work there.

    Also, I don't have such a tutorial on my To-Do list because I'm trying to avoid SUSE whenever possible.

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