Hi, it's maybe a little bit offtopic Does anybody have expirience with php_fastcgi, Apache2 and ISPConfig? The Idea is to use the speed like mod_php with the user rights of the single users. This is very interesting within environments like e.g. Typo3... Also you can use the apache2-mpm-worker wich will speed up much things... But you'll need a single php-fcgi-starter for every Webspace. I think this will not be an existing part of ISPConfig... So what or how could this be integrated into ISPConfig? Here a german Link about Apache2 with phpFastCGI on Debian http://www.debianhowto.de/de:howtos:sarge:apache2_php-fcgi (german)
I haven't tried myself, but I think you can put the needed Apache directives into the "Apache Directives" field in ISPConfig.