Hi! I have just noticed that ISPConfig uses different charactersets on it's admin web pages: admin/index.php: windows-1252 admin/legende.php: windows-1252 admin/placeholder.php: windows-1252 admin/falsch.htm: windows-1252 admin/datenbank/repair.php: iso-8859-1 admin/datenbank/optimize.php: iso-8859-1 admin/datenbank/check.php: iso-8859-1 admin/navigation.php: windows-1252 admin/logout_fehler.htm: windows-1252 admin/nojsindx.htm: windows-1252 And so on... Wouldn't be nice to change it to the utf-8? It would also solve the problem with language specific chars (like Polish łóżńć). I'm going to change it in my copy, but I don't like the idea of changing it every upgrade.
Let's see what we can do about it. Till mentioned something about problems with PHP and UTF-8 so I'm not quite sure if we can implement it: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=150
There is no plan to change everything to UTF-8, maybe when php6 with better utf-8 support has been released. For now, you can just seth the locale in the config.inc.php.