/var/vmail replicated with glusterfs.How can I avoid the size limit of 950MB???

Discussion in 'General' started by voltron81, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Hi to everybody.
    Maybe some of you know glusterfs and can help me.

    I've created a replication of a folder(/var/vmail) with glusterfs 2.07 and following this howto: http://www.howtoforge.com/high-availability-storage-cluster-with-glusterfs-on-ubuntu
    With the replication of this folder and some tables of the dbispconfig, I've realized a master-master replication of a mail server managed by ISPConfig.
    On the monitor page of ISPConfig I can see that /var/vmail folder is just 950MB:

    Filesystem type Size Used Available Use Mounted on
    /etc/glusterfs/glusterfs.vol fuse.glusterfs 950M 418M 484M 47% /var/vmail

    How can I increase that value?
    I think I need at least 20GB for that partition...

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2009
  2. voltron81

    voltron81 New Member

    Ok sorry, I solved it.
    It was a stupid problem... I was mounting the posix in / and that partition was not really big...

    Thanks anyway

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