Hi, I have been having issues with google webmaster tools and ispconfig 3. specifically when i verify i have ownership of a domain and want to use googles "verify by domain dns". I have added a TXT record with the domain in hostname field, the google key in the text portion like so "google-site-verification=c......." and waited, it failes everytime. i then add a full stop to the end of the domain name like or "domain." and save, leave it and still fails and i have even removed the name from the hostname field, and even removed the google-site-verification leaving everything after the = c....... But, i can add it correctly by using the URL prefix method, but i should be able to add via DNS. so, what am i doing wrong?
Verify you have entered the verification key correctly and your name server shows it correctly, like this: Code: host -t TXT domain.tld I have always used the dot at end of domain name in ISPConfig. That google verifications has worked for me. I have in TXT field google-site-verification=abcdef....zzz, I just copy-paste the string I got from google tools.
Sir, Could you explain step by step, where to add "host -t TXT mydomain.com" While creating TXT record in Ispsonfig DNS records, I have added the following hostname: mydomain.com.(followed by dot) Text: google-site-verification=my key TTL: 3600 I saved it, even after 12 hours google verification fails In addition to the above Txt record, I have 3 more Txt records in my DNS 1. Txt record for DKIM (default._domainkey.mydomain.com.) 2. Txt record for SPF 3. Txt record for DMARC ( _dmarc.mydomain.com.) Please help Thanks & regards
Then you can not add DNS records in ISPConfig Panel. You have to modify the records on your VPS hosters system, they maybe have a web tool to do that?