This is the error I get frequently on most requests. failed to load response data. no data found for resource with given identifier. this happens every where even when I am trying to change the tab. what could be the reason for this and resolution for the same.
this is what I get in browser console, just when I was trying to filter in clients page/tab where else you want me to check.
not sure - but I am adding further info if that helps. I was trying to add a test a client. after adding information in the client detail page I clicked on the limits tab. the spinners shows for some time then went away, but the UI was not changed to limits tab. in the browser console I can see the server url as - and request as Code: ompany_name: test gender: f contact_firstname: test contact_name: test customer_no: C165 customer_no_org: C1 username: test1 password: Mc4J_HaPhyr7 repeat_password: Mc4J_HaPhyr7 language: en usertheme: default street: zip: city: state: country: IN telephone: mobile: fax: email: [email protected] internet: https:// icq: vat_id: company_id: bank_account_owner: bank_account_number: bank_code: bank_name: bank_account_iban: bank_account_swift: paypal_email: added_date: 2022-12-04 added_by: admin notes: id: _csrf_id: client_db3afc8e3e61642051f2f10b _csrf_key: 4683a09c179b7b50dc98e5e012c1705d395833a8 next_tab: limits phpsessid: a6bnomtsae79l2ddi5sicpr1b0 but in the response it says -
What you did in ISPConfig does not matter for this error, as @Th0m explained to you, you have nameserver errors, and if the name service does not allow you to realiably reach the server, then no matter what you do in the Ui must fail.
Hi Till, if that is the case, then it shouldn't work at all I believe. but it works sometimes and fails sometimes.