Hi, I'm wanting to make permanent changes to the vhost.conf.master file and need and environment/script variable that will return the HOSTNAME of the virtual host in the following format --> host.domain.com {SERVERNAME} gives WWW.host.domain:80 But I'm after a {xxxxx} that will not have the "www" and ":80" in it.. Is there such a variable.. Conversley - is there a listing of all variables used in the ispconfig templates that can be referenced ? Any help appreciated..
I think it's better if you change the function make_vhost() in /root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/config.lib.php. That's the function that writes the vhosts to the template.
Thanks falko - took me a while but I actually found this function before you replied and have changed to to work well now! now I can get all new vhosts to access webmail via webmail.domain and gets automatically redirected to www.domain:81/webmail once I get eveything sorted out the way i want, i may post a "How to" on this as I thing a few people were after how to do it! Thanks...