Hi everyone, In cPanel, you could view a web site using the url http://serverip/~username/. This was useful for testing things out before the domain was delegated to the new server. Is there a similar option in ISPConfig? I wish to be able to view a web site and make sure things work before I point the domain to my new ISPConfig server. Thanks very much. James
Within ISPConfig you can do this too. If the user is marked as administrator, the website will be uploaded at URL http://mywebsite.com If the user is not an administrator, the website will be uploaden at URL: http://mywebsite.com/~user
ISPConfig uses only namebased websites. But if you add a line to the hosts file on your (windows, mac or linux) workstation containing the IP of your server followed by the domain, you will be able to reach the website under the domain in your webbrowser.
Thanks for the help Hans and till. I think the hosts file will be the way to go. It's slighly messy, but oh well.