Virtual Directory Support problem

Discussion in 'General' started by K_meleonu, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. K_meleonu

    K_meleonu Member

    have searched the forum for an answer but i can't find what i am interested in.
    I have a problem with Virtual Directory Suport wich apears disabled on my server. - phpinfo page

    Now... can anyone please tell me how can i make to enable the virtual directory suport?

    Thank you in advance.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What do you mean with virtual directory support?

    The link to your phpinfo page is not working.
  3. K_meleonu

    K_meleonu Member

    Sorry about the link. - this is the good one...

    I want to enable the virtual directory support. I don't know hot to eplain you better but i will try to do my best.

    I have in /var/ww/html/web3/web
    The site is working perfect, but, if i make a new folder there, (let's say "pictures" ), and i put there some pics, when i try to see i get an 403 Error- Forbidden! .
    I whould like to know what should i do to make it to show me the content of that folder without making a index page.

    Thank you
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, you men that you want to get a list of all files in the pictures directory?

    Do you want to enable this only for the pictures directory or for all website directorys without an index file?
  5. K_meleonu

    K_meleonu Member

    I want to enable that feature for the whole web site and for the rest of web site's i host on that server. from what i know that is possible but i don't know hot to do it.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The feature you are missing is nemd Indexes and has noting to do with php.

    Please open your apache configuration file and chenge the part:

    <Directory /home/www/*/web>
        Options +Includes +FollowSymlinks -Indexes
        AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit FileInfo
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        <Files ~ "^\.ht">
        Deny from all

    <Directory /home/www/*/web>
        Options +Includes +FollowSymlinks +Indexes
        AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit FileInfo
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        <Files ~ "^\.ht">
        Deny from all
    The difference is that I changed -Indexes to +Indexes in the Options directive.

    Dont forget to remove your phpinfo file :)
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And dont forget to restart apache after you changed the configuration file.
  8. K_meleonu

    K_meleonu Member

    That work't perfect. Thank you so much and please excuse me for my bad english.

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