Virtual Hosting: PureFTPd + PhpMyAdmin

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by iDen, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. iDen

    iDen New Member

    First of all:
    !Thanks to all contributors of this site for their great job!


    I'll be more then happy to see tutorial for virtual hosting based on CentOS+PureFTPd/MySQL , but ... :

    it would be very helpful to see whole process of creation MySQL DB for PureFTPd, completely in PhpMyAdmin , and not only user creation.

    I'm newbie in Linux, so i can't understand all the commands, especially MySQL's CLI and syntax' seems to be kind of wired.
    In this cases i resort to GUI tools like Mysql_GUI_tools and PhpMyAdmin.
    It's now way out for me to just copy/paste commands in shell. If i will work with GUI first i can undertand some complecated things in CLI.

    Any way it would be good practice to have tutorial for both CLI and GUI methods.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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