virtual mail boxes setup

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by satimis, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi folks,

    postfix+maildrop+courier+sasl etc.

    Where can I find documents re setup virtural mail boxes for users. TIA

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. satimis

    satimis Member

    Hi falko,


    Tks for your advice and URLs

    According to;

    1 Install Postfix, Courier, Saslauthd, MySQL, phpMyAdmin
    This can all be installed with one single command:
    apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql postfix-doc mysql-client mysql-server courier-authdaemon courier-authmysql courier-pop courier-pop-ssl courier-imap courier-imap-ssl postfix-tls libsasl2 libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-sql sasl2-bin libpam-mysql openssl phpmyadmin (1 line!)

    Because some packages have been installed already and I don't expect to overwrite the existing config files on reinstalling them. There I performed follows;

    $ dpkg -al | grep postfix
    ii  postfix                                          2.2.10-1ubuntu0.1              A high-performance mail transport agent
    $ dpkg -al | grep mysql
    ii  libapache2-mod-auth-mysql                        4.3.9-2ubuntu3              Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication
    ii  libdbd-mysql-perl                                3.0002-2build1              A Perl5 database interface to the MySQL data
    ii  libmysqlclient12                                 4.0.24-10ubuntu2              mysql database client library
    ii  libmysqlclient12-dev                             4.0.24-10ubuntu2              mysql database development files
    ii  libmysqlclient15off                              5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database client library
    ii  mysql-admin                                      1.1.6-1build1              GUI tool for intuitive MySQL administration
    ii  mysql-admin-common                               1.1.6-1build1              Architecture independent files for MySQL Adm
    ii  mysql-client                                     5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database client (current version)
    ii  mysql-client-5.0                                 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database client binaries
    ii  mysql-common                                     5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql
    ii  mysql-server                                     5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database server (current version)
    ii  mysql-server-5.0                                 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database server binaries
    ii  php5-mysql                                       5.1.2-1ubuntu3.4              MySQL module for php5
    ii  php5-mysqli                                      5.1.2-1ubuntu3.4              MySQL Improved module for php5
    ii  python-mysqldb                                   1.2.1c3-4ubuntu4              A Python interface to MySQL
    ii  python2.4-mysqldb                                1.2.1c3-4ubuntu4              A Python interface to MySQL
    $ dpkg -al | grep postfix-mysql
    $ dpkg -al | grep postfix-doc
    both no printout

    $ dpkg -al | grep mysql-client
    ii  mysql-client                                     5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database client (current version)
    ii  mysql-client-5.0                                 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database client binaries
    $ dpkg -al | grep mysql-server
    ii  mysql-server                                     5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database server (current version)
    ii  mysql-server-5.0                                 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2              mysql database server binaries
    $ dpkg -al | grep courier
    ii  courier-authdaemon                               0.47-13ubuntu5.1              Courier Mail Server - Authentication daemon
    ii  courier-base                                     0.47-13ubuntu5.1              Courier Mail Server - Base system
    ii  courier-imap                                     3.0.8-13ubuntu5.1              Courier Mail Server - IMAP server
    ii  courier-maildrop                                 0.47-13ubuntu5.1              Courier Mail Server - Mail delivery agent
    ii  courier-ssl                                      0.47-13ubuntu5.1              Courier Mail Server - SSL/TLS Support
    $ dpkg -al | grep courier-pop
    no printout

    $ dpkg -al | grep libsasl2
    ii  libsasl2                                         2.1.19.dfsg1-0.1ubuntu2              Authentication abstraction library
    ii  libsasl2-modules                                 2.1.19.dfsg1-0.1ubuntu2              Pluggable Authentication Modules for SASL
    $ dpkg -al | grep sasl2
    ii  libsasl2                                         2.1.19.dfsg1-0.1ubuntu2              Authentication abstraction library
    ii  libsasl2-modules                                 2.1.19.dfsg1-0.1ubuntu2              Pluggable Authentication Modules for SASL
    ii  sasl2-bin                                        2.1.19.dfsg1-0.1ubuntu2              Programs for manipulating the SASL users dat
    $ dpkg -al | grep libpam
    ii  libpam-foreground                                0.3              create lockfiles describing which users own
    ii  libpam-modules                                   0.79-3ubuntu14              Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
    ii  libpam-runtime                                   0.79-3ubuntu14              Runtime support for the PAM library
    ii  libpam0g                                         0.79-3ubuntu14              Pluggable Authentication Modules library
    $ dpkg -al | grep openssl
    ii  openssl                                          0.9.8a-7ubuntu0.3              Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
    ii  python-pyopenssl                                 0.6-2ubuntu3              Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library (d
    ii  python2.4-pyopenssl                              0.6-2ubuntu3              Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library, e
    ii  ssl-cert                                         1.0.13              Simple debconf wrapper for openssl
    $ dpkg -al | grep phpmyadmin
    no printout

    I found following packages not installed yet;
    postfix-mysql postfix-doc courier-authmysql courier-pop courier-pop-ssl courier-imap-ssl postfix-tls libsasl2-modules-sql libpam-mysql phpmyadmin
    $ sudo apt-get install postfix-mysql postfix-doc courier-authmysql courier-pop courier-pop-ssl courier-imap-ssl postfix-tls libsasl2-modules-sql libpam-mysql phpmyadmin
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    Package postfix-tls is a virtual package provided by:
      postfix 2.2.10-1ubuntu0.1
    You should explicitly select one to install.
    E: Package postfix-tls has no installation candidate
    Please advise how to proceed. TIA

    On this network there is no workstation connected. What front-end/GUI package I need to install to send mails instead of running the command line "telnet localhost 25 etc."

    Evolution or there are others? TIA

    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The package postfix-tls doesn't exist anymore, so leave it out.

    You can use any email client, e.g. Evolution, Outlook, Thunderbird, webmail packages such as Squirrelmail, etc.

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