Virtual User & Domains With Postfix, Courier & MySQL (CentOS 5.1)

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by hncadmin, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. hncadmin

    hncadmin New Member

    Hi All,

    This is my first posting here and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    First off, GREAT TUTORIAL. Thank you falko for taking the time to create such a detailed document.

    I have installed everything successfully, but postfix administration through phpmysql is cumbersome at best. I would really like to use something like PostfixAdmin, but I seem to be getting confused. So i'm about to ask what will probably amount to be a couple of stupid questions.

    Are Postfix and PostfixAdmin supposed to use the same MySQL database, or are they seperate databases?

    In the Postfix tutorial, it describes creating a database for Postfix called "mail". In the setup of PostfixAdmin, it describes creating a database for PostfixAdmin called "postfix". After comparing the 2 different MySQL database structures, I see that the MySQL database table structure for PostfixAdmin does not use the same table names as Postfix.

    I have successfully created multiple users and domains through PostfixAdmin, but none of the new items show up in Postfix.

    So how are these 2 applications supposed to function together?

    Can somebody please help me out and shed some light on this? I really appreciate the assistance.


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Postfixadmin does not work with this setup as it uses a different table structure.
  3. hncadmin

    hncadmin New Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    After researching everything more in depth, I figured out that it wouldn't work with your tutorial. Once I confirmed that, I recreated a new Postfix DB, reinstalled PFA which populated the new DB, then tweaked postfix, AUTHMYSQLRC and all of the Postfix virtual files to look at the newly created PFA DB. VIOLA!!!! Everything now works!

    Although PostfixAdmin (PFA) is a bit simplistic, it gets the job done ALOT easier and cleaner than having to use phpmyadmin to create new Domains, Users and Aliases in Postfix. Combine PFA with the Squirrelmail/PFA plugin and you give the users the ability to change passwords, add/modify forwarders and vacation functionality directly through Squirrelmail.

    If anyone else runs into the same questions I had... Postfix and PostfixAdmin must use the same database and table structure.

    Buena Suerte.


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