Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier And MySQL (+ SMTP-AUTH, Quota, SpamAs

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by FredZ, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. FredZ

    FredZ Member


    Well after setting up my postfix server, I am now testing it prior to installing a web client.

    Under FC6 I am using Evolution to connect to the mail server.

    If I setup the mail client to use POP I get no error, however, if I setup the client to use IMAP it will not authenticate (keeps asking for the password)

    The mail.log states:

    localhost authdaemond.mysql: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=mail_admin)
    Localhost imapd-ssl: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[::ffff:]

    I am assuming the mysql server cannot be contacted. I have no idea on how to rectify this problem. Mysql server is running, and starts without errors.

    Something else has just dawned upon meafter reading the document again.
    Every where I find an instance of:
    Should these be changed?
    I ask this because:
    Now we have to edit /etc/amavis/amavisd.conf. This is a very long file with lots of comments. I have stripped out the unnecessary parts, this is with what I ended up (make sure you adjust line 112 (@lookup_sql_dsn = ( ['DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=;port=3306', 'mail_admin', 'mail_admin_password'] ); to your own database settings):

    And I didn't alter anything.

    I am starting to think I haven't set the mail_admin and mail_admin_password at all and it has nothing to auth against.

    Comments please


    Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
  2. FredZ

    FredZ Member

    I have now gone through and edited every instance of mail_admin_password to the password for the mail db and restarted the server.

    I still have the same problem, here is my mail.log

    Feb 22 00:39:09 localhost amavis[1228]: starting. amavisd-new at ms01 amavisd-new-20030616-p10, Unicode aware
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Perl version 5.008004
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Amavis::Conf 1.15
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Archive::Tar 1.23
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Archive::Zip 1.14
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Compress::Zlib 1.34
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Convert::TNEF 0.17
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Convert::UUlib 1.051
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module DBI 1.46
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module DB_File 1.808
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module MIME::Entity 5.417
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module MIME::parser 5.417
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module MIME::Tools 5.417
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Mail::Header 1.62
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Mail::Internet 1.62
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Mail::SpamAssassin 3.000003
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Net::Cmd 2.26
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Net::DNS 0.48
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Net::SMTP 2.29
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Net::Server 0.87
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Time::HiRes 1.59
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1228]: Module Unix::Syslog 0.100
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found $file at /usr/bin/file
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: No $arc, not using it
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found $gzip at /bin/gzip
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found $bzip2 at /usr/bin/bzip2
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: No $lzop, not using it
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: No $lha, not using it
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found $unarj at /usr/bin/arj
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found $uncompress at /bin/uncompress
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: No $unfreeze, not using it
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: No $unrar, not using it
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found $zoo at /usr/bin/zoo
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found $cpio at /bin/cpio
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Using internal av scanner code for (primary) Clam Antivirus-clamd
    Feb 22 00:39:10 localhost amavis[1229]: Found secondary av scanner Clam Antivirus - clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan
    Feb 22 00:39:19 localhost authdaemond.mysql: modules="authmysql", daemons=5
    Feb 22 00:39:21 localhost dccifd[1560]: 1.2.74 listening to /var/lib/dcc/dccifd
    Feb 22 00:39:25 localhost postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system
    Feb 22 00:39:26 localhost postfix/master[1676]: daemon started -- version 2.1.5
    Feb 22 00:39:30 localhost dccproc[1730]: socket(UDP): Address family not supported by protocol
    Feb 22 00:55:20 localhost imaplogin: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Feb 22 00:55:24 localhost authdaemond.mysql: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=mail_admin)
    Feb 22 00:55:30 localhost imaplogin: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[::ffff:]
    Feb 22 00:55:32 localhost imaplogin: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:]
    Feb 22 00:57:24 localhost imaplogin: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Feb 22 00:57:31 localhost authdaemond.mysql: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=mail_admin)
    Feb 22 00:57:36 localhost imaplogin: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[::ffff:]
    Feb 22 00:57:40 localhost authdaemond.mysql: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=mail_admin)


  3. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Is mysql running? Can you connect from the commandline to mysql?
    mysql -u mail_admin -p
    ? Type your password and you should get a mysql welcome prompt.
  4. FredZ

    FredZ Member

    If I type the command "mysql -u mail_admin -p" I get the following error:

    ms01:~# mysql -u mail_admin -p
    Enter password:
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mail_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    If I type the command "mysqladmin processlist -p" I get the following:

    ms01:~# mysqladmin processlist -p
    Enter password:
    | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
    | 11 | root | localhost | | Query | 0 | | show processlist |

    In both situations I am typing the same password when requested.


  5. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    here you use the user 'mail_admin'.
    Here you use the user 'root'. You will need to create the user mail_admin. I'm pretty sure this is described somewhere in the howto. Please re-read the howto and execute the missing step.
  6. FredZ

    FredZ Member

    I deleted the mail_admin user that was in mysql and recreated it by using the command

    GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON mail.* TO 'mail_admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mail_admin_password';
    GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON mail.* TO 'mail_admin'@'localhost.localdomain' IDENTIFIED BY 'mail_admin_password';

    I replaced the mail_admin_password with my own password.

    mysql -u mail_admin -p
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 7
    Server version: 5.0.32-Dotdeb_1.dotdeb.1-log Dotdeb Sarge backport

    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

    mysql> quit

    so the mail_admin account seems to be working.

    The mail.log shows
    Feb 23 01:11:16 localhost amavis[1248]: starting. amavisd-new at ms01 amavisd-new-20030616-p10, Unicode aware
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Perl version 5.008004
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Amavis::Conf 1.15
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Archive::Tar 1.23
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Archive::Zip 1.14
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Compress::Zlib 1.34
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Convert::TNEF 0.17
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Convert::UUlib 1.051
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module DBI 1.46
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module DB_File 1.808
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module MIME::Entity 5.417
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module MIME::parser 5.417
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module MIME::Tools 5.417
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Mail::Header 1.62
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Mail::Internet 1.62
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Mail::SpamAssassin 3.000003
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Net::Cmd 2.26
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Net::DNS 0.48
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Net::SMTP 2.29
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Net::Server 0.87
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Time::HiRes 1.59
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1248]: Module Unix::Syslog 0.100
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found $file at /usr/bin/file
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: No $arc, not using it
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found $gzip at /bin/gzip
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found $bzip2 at /usr/bin/bzip2
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: No $lzop, not using it
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: No $lha, not using it
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found $unarj at /usr/bin/arj
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found $uncompress at /bin/uncompress
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: No $unfreeze, not using it
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: No $unrar, not using it
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found $zoo at /usr/bin/zoo
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found $cpio at /bin/cpio
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Using internal av scanner code for (primary) Clam Antivirus-clamd
    Feb 23 01:11:17 localhost amavis[1249]: Found secondary av scanner Clam Antivirus - clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan
    Feb 23 01:11:26 localhost authdaemond.mysql: modules="authmysql", daemons=5
    Feb 23 01:11:28 localhost dccifd[1580]: 1.2.74 listening to /var/lib/dcc/dccifd
    Feb 23 01:11:31 localhost postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system
    Feb 23 01:11:31 localhost postfix/master[1696]: daemon started -- version 2.1.5
    Feb 23 01:11:32 localhost postfix/qmgr[1705]: 4CCB1DC0A6: from=<[email protected]>, size=484, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
    Feb 23 01:11:38 localhost dccproc[1755]: socket(UDP): Address family not supported by protocol
    Feb 23 01:11:39 localhost amavis[1757]: (01757-01) connect_to_sql: unable to connect to DSN 'DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=12$
    Feb 23 01:11:39 localhost amavis[1757]: (01757-01) TROUBLE in check_mail: creating_partsdir FAILED: SQL server(s) not reacha$
    Feb 23 01:11:39 localhost amavis[1757]: (01757-01) PRESERVING EVIDENCE in /var/lib/amavis/amavis-20070223T011139-01757
    Feb 23 01:11:39 localhost postfix/smtp[1706]: 4CCB1DC0A6: to=<[email protected]>, relay=[], delay=4297, s$
    Feb 23 01:12:08 localhost imapd-ssl: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Feb 23 01:12:12 localhost authdaemond.mysql: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=mail_admin)
    Feb 23 01:12:17 localhost imapd-ssl: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[::ffff:]
    Feb 23 01:12:21 localhost imapd-ssl: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:]

    And the client still cannot connect.


  7. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Have you installed the DBI package?
  8. FredZ

    FredZ Member

    I scanned the howto and there is no mention of any dbi files.

    I guess the answer to your question is NO.

    What files/packages should be installed?


  9. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    I see the above in your log file. That indicates either a problem with the package, but on second look it might also be because you missed a configuration step. Previous post:
    The host should be something like localhost and not something with 12 as indicated from you log file. Could you check your /etc/amavis/amavisd.conf?
  10. FredZ

    FredZ Member

    Thanks for all your help, but I have now elected to abandon this project. I am going to stay with my MS solution and bite the bullet on the huge licence.


  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you didn't delete your setup, you could check your configuration files again.
    If you use Internet Explorer as your browser and you copied the configuration files from the browser, it is possible that the files are messed up. Try Firefox instead.
  12. FredZ

    FredZ Member

    Hi Falco

    Yes I have deleted the system.

    I use firefox by default.

    Just because I really like FC I made one last attempt late last night to install the FC5 version. I couln't recompile postfix with the patch. Seems non of these 2 howtos are going to work for me. All others have.

    Never mind, I have authorised the cheque for the licences for our MS solution and I am moving on to our next project, DNS using dnsmasq.

    Thanks for the howto anyway.



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