Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Debian Lenny

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by ChristianFe, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. ChristianFe

    ChristianFe New Member

    Hi everyone,

    first of all thanks for all the great tutorials, some have been very helpfull to me already !

    I recently set up a mailserver based on the "Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Debian Lenny)" tutorial.

    I was finally able to get a mailserver to work where I actually understand what is happening to an extend that I'm happy to use it "live".

    I've set it up on a local server that is connected to the internet via a DSL connection.

    I don't want to change the MX records of our domains to point to this
    server as I don't want to risk loosing emails if the internet connection gets

    I'm therefore looking to extract emails from existing mailboxes on a
    server operated by an ISP provider that also provides website hosting using fetchmail.

    How do I set fetchmail up to ensure that these mails still get passed through
    the filters etc (i.e. reach postfix through the regular smtpd on port 25) ?

    Would getmail be the better option ?

    I'd be gratefull if you had any ideas for this.

    Thanks in advance
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. ChristianFe

    ChristianFe New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I've already set up Postfix to use a smarthost with smtp auth for relaying outbound mail.

    I just wasn't sure that fetchmail etc. forwarded mail to postfix the "usual" ways. I had the feeling that they were passed on at some later stage directly to the MDA. Thanks for the info.

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