
Discussion in 'Technical' started by gvs, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. gvs

    gvs New Member

    I installed Virtualbox according the two ways as stated in the HowtoForge concerning the installation of VirtBox in Ubuntu 8.10. Everything went smoothly without any failure. I did not find the icon concerned in the Application menu/System Tools. I tried the install the submenu myself, without success. What did I do wrong? I uninstalled Virtualbox several times and restarted the installation procedure with the same result. Please help.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you log out and back in after installation?

    If that doesn't help, what happens when you run
  3. gvs

    gvs New Member

    Yes, I logged out and in without result but....... to my great astonishment I do not have a map Virtualbox in usr/lib!!!!
    To vlarify; I installed the program following the procedur 2 in th HowtoForge concerned.
    Thank you for the prompt reply. What do I have to do?
  4. gvs

    gvs New Member


    I tried to run /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox but evidently, nothing happened. Is there a failure in copy the map virtualbox to usr/lib?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    locate virtualbox
  6. gvs

    gvs New Member

    I got enough responses to fill a bathtub. So I decided not to answer your question. I realised that something was really wrong. So, I reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10. My PC is now again like a virgin. I am ready to try again but I remarked that the installation procedure for VirtualBox in Ubuntu 8.10 disappeared.
    Is this the end of the story or do I wait for a new procedure to appear?
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  8. gvs

    gvs New Member

    Yes, it's there again!
    With my virgin OS I tried to install Virtualbox following the Ubuntu Geek procedure and everything is working flawlessly. So basicaly several things went wrong due to the fact that "installed" Virtualbox more then 1 (even 4) times and the maps were crowed with useless files where they should not be and a lack of files were the should be.
    So that problem is solved. Remains to learn how to use it, ie install Windows XP in Virtualbox.
    Maybe you can give me a reference.
    I thank you for the directives you gave me. You have put me on the right track.
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You just create VM in VirtualBox and then boot that VM from the Windows CD.

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