Hi Howtoforge ! Cheers for the mail you sent me ! Here we go again !!! I have an apache virtualhost issue . Where i'm hosting my site an another site added and i don't manage to get them working . The problem is the virtualhost name resolution . When i write in the browser , let's say , siteX , instead , is default.site to show off. I have configured virtualhosts in sites-avialable dir fist and than i enabled them with a2ensite .The default site starts vith a NameVirtualHosts * directive which is not present on the siteX virtualhost file .As attachment there are the virtualhosts file i have,they maybe explain the issue better than me , whatever else you need just ask and thanks ... howtoforge i missed you too ....
Whixh one of the vhosts isn't working? maricacomputers.gabrix.ath.cx, www.gabrix.ath.cx, or www.gabrix.ath.cx (SSL)? Are there any errors in Apache's error log?
Apache error log file doesn't report any particolar strange behavior at all . Technically none of the virtualhosts file i sent are wrong . If i a2ensite marica and i'm looking for www.gabrix.ath.cx , marica shows off and if i look for marica still marica shows off . I a2dissite marica and things go back to normal behavior .
Solved .... I have put ips in all virtualhosts file i gave you and ops ... everything got sorted ... thanks anyway ! <VirtualHost>