Virtualization for Palm hotsync & Chess on Ubuntu

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by warnerwhite, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. warnerwhite

    warnerwhite New Member

    I've succeeded in getting my Windows chess programs (Fritz9 and ChessBase9) to run in VirtualBox on my Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex system, but I can't get my Palm PDA to hotsync. The USB ports--even with the GuestAdditions--just won't connect to Palm Desktop. Therefore I have been looking for a virtualization that will handle both things. I tried VMPlayer + Tools some months ago, and that didn't work. And I can't get VMware Server installed--version 2.0 objects that my system is just i386 (though I have an AMD Phenom 64x3 cpu); and the earlier versions balk at the compiling. So I've been looking at XenServer 5.0.0--but it says it will wipe out my hard drive. I'm willing to do that and reinstall all my stuff, if it will solve my problem. But will it?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    there are two VMware Server 2 downloads, one for i386 systems and one for x86_64 systems. Please make sure you pick the right one.

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