virtualusertable [email protected]

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by andlo, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. andlo

    andlo New Member


    I am assisting a ispconfig install on a ubuntu LTS and as i was told it is setup as "Perfect setup".

    I have the problem that when making new sites eg and make a emailadress for a user named andlo in the /etc/postfix/virtualusertables there is added one record
    [email protected]

    That makes it imposible to send emails to [email protected]....

    Also I tryed to make the site whitout anything in host field, but after refrishing ispconfig the www is back.
    removing the www fixes virtualuserstable but only until next time i changes something in site in ispconfig. Then www again is in front of domainename.

    I'we tryed reading other postes but dont understand if this is correct or its is not, and why i cant send mails to [email protected] but works when sending to [email protected]

    thanks for at super system though - i'we been using it for 2 years on a suse server and that was just super.

  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    The extra www after @ within the /etc/postfix/virtualusertables is correct.
    You can add a co-domain within ISPConfig for that site.
    Leave the Hostname field blank.
    Within the Domainname field enter the domainname:

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