Vmware server 2.0.2-x with Ubuntu server 10.04 VMware Remote Console Plug-in

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by letsharehowto, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. letsharehowto

    letsharehowto New Member

    Vmware server 2.0.2-x with Ubuntu server 10.04 VMware Remote Console Plug-in

    Today I will tell you howto setup new box which run Vmware server 2.0.2-x with Ubuntu server 10.04 and VMware Remote Console Plug-in

    My box:

    CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.06GHz, 1 cores
    Memory: 2G

    Firefox 3.6 can not VMware Remote Console.
    At client, I use Chrome to build virtual machines then use VMware Remote Console Plug-in to run them.

    We have 4 step:

    Step one: Setup new box run Ubuntu server.
    Step two: Register, download, patch, install VMware.
    Step three: Create virtual machines.
    Step four: Remote virtual machines by VMware Remote Console Plug-in from client.

    Step one: Setup new box run Ubuntu server:

    Very easy. If you don`t know, you look at: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-3.
    After setup, reboot box.
    Login and active root account:

    sudo passwd root
    Password for root, I choose: 111111

    Logout then login with root and later we do everything with root too.
    Upgrade box:

    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade -y
    Install gcc:

    apt-get install -y gcc
    Get static for NIC:

    nano /etc/network/interfaces
    Delete all and replace with:

    Edit /etc/resolv.conf:

    nano /etc/resolv.conf
    Delete all and replace with:

    Reboot box:

    Step two: Register, download, patch, install VMware:

    Logon with root and create /root/vm:

    mkdir /root/vm
    cd /root/vm
    To get VMware file, you have to register at: https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=server20&lp=1. They will send you email. Follow email, you download and save VMware-server-2.0.2-203138.i386.tar.gz at /root/vm and remember write down Key VMware Server for Linux (look like: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX)

    Untar file VMware:

    tar -xzf VMware-server-2.0.2-203138.i386.tar.gz
    Before install VMware, we have to patch VMware:

    mkdir /root/dev
    cd /root/dev
    Download 5 files:

    wget http://nerdbynature.de/bits/2.6.32-22/00-vmware-2.6.32_functional.diff.txt
    wget http://nerdbynature.de/bits/2.6.32-22/02-vmnet-include.diff.txt.gz
    wget http://nerdbynature.de/bits/2.6.32-22/01-vmware-2.6.32_cosmetic.diff.txt
    wget http://nerdbynature.de/bits/2.6.32-22/vmware-config.pl.diff.txt
    wget http://nerdbynature.de/bits/2.6.32-22/patch-vmware_2.6.3x.sh.txt
    Unzip file:

    gunzip 02-vmnet-include.diff.txt.gz
    Change name 5 files:

    mv 00-vmware-2.6.32_functional.diff.txt 00-vmware-2.6.32_functional.diff
    mv 01-vmware-2.6.32_cosmetic.diff.txt 01-vmware-2.6.32_cosmetic.diff
    mv 02-vmnet-include.diff.txt 02-vmnet-include.diff
    mv patch-vmware_2.6.3x.sh.txt patch-vmware_2.6.3x.sh
    mv vmware-config.pl.diff.txt vmware-config.pl.diff
    Edit something file patch-vmware_2.6.3x.sh:

    nano patch-vmware_2.6.3x.sh
    Delete all and replace with:

    Save the file and quit.

    chmod u+x patch-vmware_2.6.3x.sh
    ./patch-vmware_2.6.3x.sh /root/vm/vmware-server-distrib/lib/modules/source
    Install VMware:

    cd /root/vm/vmware-server-distrib
    Enter for everything. Say yes to agree license. Type Key VMware Server they give for you.
    That`s it. If sucess, the end like this:

    Reboot box:

    Step three: Create virtual machines:

    At client box, goto http://www.google.com/chrome/?hl=en, choose the right one then download and install Chrome.

    Open Chrome. Type then hit Enter... Click Procced anyway. Picture 1 (http://picasaweb.google.com/116366725840175897341/CreateVirtualMachineWithChrome#5498009350211289746)

    Login name: root
    Password: 111111
    Picture 2 (http://picasaweb.google.com/116366725840175897341/CreateVirtualMachineWithChrome#5498009360279780690)

    Then follow my pictures to create virtual machine (look at pointer).

    This step, some time VMware kick you out. You have to refersh brown, relogon to finish this step.

    Step four: Remote virtual machines by VMware Remote Console Plug-in from client:

    At server, please open tray, put Ubuntu CD then close tray.

    Client box is x86, we do:

    cd /tmp 
    IP= # < fill in esx server ip address here 
    wget --no-check-certificate https://$IP/ui/plugin/vmware-vmrc-linux-x86.xpi 
    mv vmware-vmrc-linux-x86.xpi vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.zip 
    cd ~ 
    mkdir -p bin/vmwareconsole # make directory bin in your own homedir 
    cd bin/vmwareconsole 
    unzip /tmp/vmware-vmrc-linux-x86.zip 
    cd ~/bin 
    ln -s vmwareconsole/plugins/vmware-vmrc . # make a symlink for easy access 
    vmware-vmrc # run the console
    Client box is x64, we do:

    cd /tmp 
    IP= # < fill in esx server ip address here 
    wget --no-check-certificate https://$IP/ui/plugin/vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.xpi 
    mv vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.xpi vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.zip 
    cd ~ 
    mkdir -p bin/vmwareconsole # make directory bin in your own homedir 
    cd bin/vmwareconsole 
    unzip /tmp/vmware-vmrc-linux-x64.zip 
    cd ~/bin 
    ln -s vmwareconsole/plugins/vmware-vmrc . # make a symlink for easy access 
    vmware-vmrc # run the console
    Pictures. (http://picasaweb.google.com.vn/116366725840175897341/VMwareRemoteConsolePlugIn#5498055527122802690)

    Now you can try new OS.
    Have fun!
    God Bless!


    And you, spend your time to read this :)

    (If you success, please tell me know :) )
  2. feuersee

    feuersee New Member

    no luck: Vmware server 2.0.2-x with Ubuntu server 10.04 - 2.6.32-25-generic

    Hi out there,

    i tried your howto and got this error:

    in the script vmware-config.pl i have to give the path to kernel headers:

    What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
    kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-25-generic/include

    but this does not work for me:

    The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match
    your running kernel (version 2.6.32-25-generic). Even if the module were to
    compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.

    Any ideas? uname -r -> 2.6.32-25-generic
  3. feuersee

    feuersee New Member

    one small step

    hi there,
    i figured out that the file utsrelease.h is empty -> i added: #define UTS_RELEASE "2.6.32-25-generic

    config.pl -> Unable to make a vmmon module that can be loaded in the running kernel:
    insmod: error inserting '/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon.o': -1 Invalid module format
    There is probably a slight difference in the kernel configuration between the
    set of C header files you specified and your running kernel. You may want to
    rebuild a kernel based on that directory, or specify another directory.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does it work with your change?
  5. feuersee

    feuersee New Member

  6. PatRog

    PatRog New Member

    can not started remote console

    vmware server 2.0.2 is working but I can not started the remote console!

    root@Equipe:~/bin# vmware-vmrc
    vmware-vmrc: command not found

    I copied the command but it seems that it should be "vmware - vmrc" but still it is not working I get the folwing error:

    root@Equipe:~# vmware - vmrc
    Launching VMware Web Access using /usr/bin/xdg-open
    root@Equipe:~# [19453:19453:5537826551:ERROR:extension_prefs.cc(734)] Bad or missing pref 'state' for extension 'hpibmhghjndideebpackbdlpncgkcppp'
    [19453:19453:5537826593:ERROR:extension_prefs.cc(734)] Bad or missing pref 'state' for extension 'lncjcfkpannmofmpgdfoonkniofdnaba'
    [19453:19469:5537975912:ERROR:x509_certificate_nss.cc(763)] CERT_PKIXVerifyCert for failed err=-8179
    [19453:19468:5546637495:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_nss.cc(2031)] handshake failed; NSS error code -5938, net_error -107
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    locate vmware-vmrc
  8. PatRog

    PatRog New Member

    What do you need exactly because the outcome of "locate vmware-vmrc" is very long.

    Is it this your looking for?

    root@Equipe:~# locate vmware-vmrc
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/components/xpcom-vmware-vmrc-2.5.0-122581.xpt
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/np-vmware-vmrc-2.5.0-122581.so
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/vmware-vmrc
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/vmware-vmrc-daemon
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/vmware-vmrc-legacy
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/bin/vmware-vmrc
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/bin/vmware-vmrc-daemon
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/bin/vmware-vmrc-legacy
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    /home/patrick/.mozilla/firefox/zi65wism.default/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/components/xpcom-vmware-vmrc-2.5.0-122581.xpt
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/np-vmware-vmrc-2.5.0-122581.so
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/vmware-vmrc
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/vmware-vmrc-daemon
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/vmware-vmrc-legacy
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/bin/vmware-vmrc
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/bin/vmware-vmrc-daemon
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/bin/vmware-vmrc-legacy
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    /root/.mozilla/firefox/o5v6usbw.mozilla-build/extensions/[email protected]/plugins/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/vmware-vmrc.png
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The command is located in /root/bin/vmware-vmrc.

    Either run
    if you are already in the /root/bin/ directory.
  10. eddiez

    eddiez New Member


    worked great for me many many thx:D

    just remember to get out of the directory you are in and go to root to run the vmrc
  11. PatRog

    PatRog New Member

    still not working but in the meantime I found an other solution

    root@Equipe:~# ./vmware - vwrc
    bash: ./vmware: Bestand of map bestaat niet
    root@Equipe:~# ./vmware-vwrc
    bash: ./vmware-vwrc: Bestand of map bestaat niet
    root@Equipe:~# /root/bin/vmware-vwrc
    bash: /root/bin/vmware-vwrc: Bestand of map bestaat niet
    root@Equipe:~# /root/bin/vmware - vwrc
    bash: /root/bin/vmware: Bestand of map bestaat niet

    That other solution(using firefox 3.5) I will publish later when I have some time. At the moment I am to busy, I lost to much time to get everyting working.
  12. eddiez

    eddiez New Member

    You just need to run it from bin in your home directory bin NOT root bin.

    You just need to run it from bin in your home directory bin NOT root bin.

    /root/bin NO

    /home/user/bin/vmwareconsole/plugins/vmware-vmrc YES

    hope this helps.
  13. dewytakm

    dewytakm New Member

    Unable to connect to VMware console

    I am running Ubuntu 10.10 server edition 2.6.35-22-generic-pae 32 bit and have installed VMware 2.0 (latest version).

    My machine address is and I can log into it with Putty. When I try access the VMware console at from a Windows based machine using either Firefox or Chrome, I get the response: The connection was reset

    I don't know enough to ask the right questions. How do I tell if VMware is actually running? How do I check to see if there were any issues during the installation process?


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