VMWare + thin client

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Lord_Garfield, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Lord_Garfield

    Lord_Garfield New Member

    Hi all,

    I would like to know if VMware is capable of doing the following:

    I would like to have a server wich will run 2 desktop OS's and one server version of windows 2003 (this part will probably be VMware).

    1 version of the OS should be a english version. the other one is a dutch version. (not decided yet but it could be Ubuntu or windows XP)

    now I have about 15 thin clients. (classroom)
    Is there a way that when you power up a thin client you can choose between NL or EN and that it then creates a connection to the correct version of Ubuntu or windows XP. For example. They choose NL so a dutch version wil start on the thin client. so that they have an office application in their own language.

    how can I achieve something like this?

    Tanks in advance.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't think this is possible...

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