The script was already approved. Refer to post #10 for latest instructions.
OK, here you go... Correct spelling is latest $extractdir should be removed if it exists $latestversion.tar.gz should be removed if it exists Personally I prefer regex to grep and cut Why symlink elfinder.html; symlinks might cause trouble Why remove *.tar.gz instead of $latestversion.tar.gz Supress unneeded output You are assuming port 8080 which might have changed
Thank you for your comments. Anyway, while they are being attended to, may I assume the script works on your ISPConfig test apache web server?
This the current code for the said script for now, for anyone who wishes to inspect, test and improve it, because for now, I think I am done with coding it, as in all my test on ISPConfig web server, both nginx and apache, it works well. So, until this tool is approved and merged in ISPConfig git, good luck and thank you to all of the volunteering testers. Code: #!/bin/bash # Name: # Description: Setup or update elFinder File Manager in ISPConfig web server. # Author: Hj Ahmad Rasyid bin Hj Ismail # BSD 3 License # Updated on 20230919-103405 # Should work on systems that were installed according to HowToForge's Perfect Server guides for auto/manual install ## SETUP / UPDATE ELFINDER AS ISPCONFIG FILE MANAGER # Always start working from /tmp folder, so no messing up cd /tmp # Define latest elfinder source url, get its version and tar.gz file ef_github_url= ef_latest_ver=$(curl -s $ef_github_url | grep "tag_name*" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | cut -d '"' -f2) ef_tar_gz=$ef_latest_ver.tar.gz # Define elfinder main & temp (extract) dir & temp log file ef_main_dir=/usr/share/elfinder ef_temp_dir=/tmp/elfinder ef_temp_log=$ef_main_dir/ef-temp.log # Function to download and extract latest elFinder get_elfinder () { # Create elfinder main and temp dir, if they don't exist if [ ! -d "$ef_temp_dir" ]; then mkdir -p $ef_temp_dir; fi if [ ! -d "$ef_main_dir" ]; then mkdir -p $ef_main_dir; fi # Go to the temp extract dir, get latest elfinder & extract it cd $ef_temp_dir && wget -q --show-progress $ef_tar_gz && tar -xzf $ef_latest_ver.tar.gz --strip-components=1 # Make elfinder open full in browser sed -i "/defaultOpts/a \\\t\t\t\t\twidth: '100%',\n\t\t\t\t\theight: '99.7%',\n\t\t\t\t\tresizable: false," elfinder.html # index.html is web server default, so symlink is preferred ln -sf elfinder.html index.html cp php/connector.minimal.php-dist php/connector.minimal.php rm $ef_latest_ver.tar.gz } # Function to setup elFinder or update (overwrite) set_elfinder () { if [ -d $ef_temp_dir ]; then cp -R $ef_temp_dir/* $ef_main_dir if [ ! -z "$ef_json" ]; then echo -e "\n"$ef_exist" "$ef_setup_ver"\n"$ef_outdated" "$ef_latest_ver"." | tee $ef_temp_log else echo -e "\n"$ef_none" "$ef_latest_ver"." | tee $ef_temp_log fi else echo "\n"$ef_failed"" fi } # Define elFinder setup / update messages ef_word="filemanager" ef_exist="elFinder $ef_word setup exists with version" ef_uptodate="It is up-to-date. Neither new setup nor update is needed." ef_outdated="This old setup has been updated to latest version" ef_none="We've setup latest elFinder as none existed i.e. version" ef_failed="Failed to download and setup / download elFinder $ef_word." # Run elFinder setup / update here if it is not up-to-date if [ -d "$ef_main_dir" ]; then ef_json=$ef_main_dir/package.json if [ -f "$ef_json" ]; then ef_setup_ver=$(grep -i "version" $ef_json | cut -d : -f 2,3 | cut -d '"' -f2) if [[ "$ef_setup_ver" == "$ef_latest_ver" ]]; then # Existing elFinder is up-to-date echo -e "\n"$ef_exist" "$ef_latest_ver".\n"$ef_uptodate"" | tee $ef_temp_log else get_elfinder set_elfinder fi else get_elfinder set_elfinder fi else get_elfinder set_elfinder fi # Define filemanager folder and its backup, backup if needed, then force create its symlink ef_fm_dir=/usr/share/$ef_word ef_fm_bak=/usr/share/$ef_wordbak-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") if [ -d $ef_fm_dir ]; then # Backup then force symlink if folder exist but not empty and also not a link if [ ! -z $ef_fm_dir ] || [ ! -L $ef_fm_dir ]; then cp -R $ef_fm_dir $ef_fm_bak; fi ln -sf $ef_main_dir $ef_fm_dir else ln -sf $ef_main_dir $ef_fm_dir fi ## ADD CONFIGS IF THEY DON'T EXIST IN VHOST & CONF FILES # Define conf folders, cat dummy files and other messages ispc_conf_dir=/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf ispc_custom_dir=/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom ispc_install_dir=/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/install ef_temp_conf=ef-temp.conf ef_exist="Not overwriting as string ($ef_word) exists in the" ef_added="Added elFinder $ef_word config successfully in the" ef_reload="has been successfully reloaded." ef_failed="configuration test failed." ef_manual="Please double check and manually fix the vhost file(s), if needed." ef_browse="Your may now try browsing the elfinder file manager at \nhttps://$(hostname -f):" ef_nosupport="You are not on a supported ISPConfig web server!" ef_old_setup="Previous setup could have set this up BUT who knows!?" ef_oops="Something is wrong!" # Function to create, copy & symlink custom conf dir, file and/or sub install dir set_custom_conf () { # Create conf-custom directory if it doesn't exist if [ ! -d $ispc_custom_dir ]; then mkdir -p $ispc_custom_dir; fi # Copy the specified .vhost / .conf file from conf to conf-custom, if it doesn't exist if [ ! -f $ispc_custom_dir/$master_vhost ]; then cp $ispc_conf_dir/$master_vhost $ispc_custom_dir/ # Check conf-custom/install directory if [ ! -d $isp_cust_inst_dir ]; then # Force symlink to install directory, if it doesn't exist ln -sf $ispc_custom_dir $isp_cust_inst_dir else # Force symlink apps file from custom-conf to install directory ln -sf $ispc_custom_dir/$master_vhost $isp_cust_inst_dir/ fi fi } # Function to create nginx config set_nginx_conf () { cat <<"EOT" > $ef_temp_conf ## ELFINDER FILE MANAGER CONFIG STARTS ## location /filemanager { root /usr/share/; index index.php index.html index.htm; location ~ ^/filemanager/(.+\.php)$ { try_files $uri =404; root /usr/share/; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; # To access filemanager, create ftp users in ISPConfig UI {use_tcp}fastcgi_pass; {use_socket}fastcgi_pass unix:{fpm_socket}; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_buffer_size 128k; fastcgi_buffers 256 4k; fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 256k; fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 256k; fastcgi_read_timeout 1200; } location ~* ^/filemanager/(.+\.(ogg|ogv|svg|svgz|eot|ttf|otf|woff|woff2|mp4|mp3|ttf|css|rss|atom|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|html|xml|txt|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|doc|xls|exe|ppt|tar|mid|midi|wav|bmp|rtf)(\?ver=[0-9.]+)?$) { root /usr/share/; access_log off; log_not_found off; expires max; } } location /file { rewrite ^/* /filemanager last; } ## ELFINDER FILE MANAGER CONFIG STARTS ## EOT } # Function to add config in the custom-conf master file add_master_conf () { if grep -q $ef_word $master_vhost; then echo -e "\n"$ef_exist" "$master_vhost" file.\n"$ef_old_setup"\n"$ef_manual"" else # First modify the conf vhost file and report result sed -i "/$sm_search/e cat "$ef_temp_conf"" $master_vhost if grep -q $ef_word $master_vhost; then echo -e "\n"$ef_added" "$master_vhost" file."; else echo -e "\n"$ef_oops" "$ef_manual"" && exit; fi fi } # Function to add config in the custom-conf target file add_target_conf () { # Then search for filemanager in the vhost / conf file, before we proceed further if grep -q $ef_word $target_vhost; then echo -e "\n"$ef_exist" "$target_base" file.\n"$ef_old_setup"\n"$ef_manual"\n" # Finally, if it is safe, modify the vhost / conf file, with some edits for it to work else # Change for nginx only output to dev null sed -i 's/{use_tcp}/#/g' $ef_temp_conf >/dev/null 2>&1 phpfpm="\t\t\tfastcgi_pass unix:/var/lib/php$(php -v | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -f1-2 -d'.')-fpm/apps.sock" sed -i "/{fpm_socket}/c\\"$phpfpm";" $ef_temp_conf >/dev/null 2>&1 # Change for both nginx and apache sed -i "/$sm_search/e cat "$ef_temp_conf"" $target_vhost if grep -q $ef_word $target_vhost; then echo -e "\n"$ef_added" "$target_base" file.\n"; else echo -e "\n"$ef_oops" "$ef_manual"\n" && exit; fi fi # All modifications are done. Remove the unneeded files rm -rf $ef_temp_conf $ef_temp_log $ef_temp_dir } # Nginx write to custom and apps vhost files function write_nginx_vhost () { # Define nginx master & target files & edit string master_vhost=nginx_apps.vhost.master target_vhost=/etc/nginx/sites-available/apps.vhost target_base=$(basename $target_vhost) ef_port=$(grep -i "\*:" $target_vhost | cut -d : -f 2,3 | cut -d " " -f1) sm_search="location \/squirrelmail" # Run custom conf function set_custom_conf if [ -f $ispc_custom_dir/$master_vhost ]; then # Go to the conf-custom folder cd $ispc_custom_dir set_nginx_conf add_master_conf add_target_conf # Reload nginx if all good and report result if nginx -t 2>/dev/null; then systemctl reload nginx echo -e "Nginx "$ef_reload"\n\n"$ef_browse""$ef_port"/$ef_word\n" else echo -e "Nginx "$ef_failed"\n\n"$ef_manual"\n" fi fi } # Function to create nginx config set_apache_conf () { tee $ef_temp_conf >/dev/null << END ## ELFINDER FILE MANAGER ## <Directory /usr/share/filemanager> <tmpl_if name='apache_version' op='>' value='2.2' format='version'> Require all granted <tmpl_else> Order allow,deny Allow from all </tmpl_if> </Directory> END } # Function to create apache config 2 set_apache_vhost () { tee $ef_temp_conf >/dev/null << END ## ELFINDER FILE MANAGER ## <Directory /usr/share/filemanager> Require all granted </Directory> END } # Function to download and extract latest elFinder set_elfinder_conf () { # Create basic filemanager config.file ef_avail_dir=/etc/apache2/conf-available ef_enabl_dir=/etc/apache2/conf-enabled ef_fm_conf=$ef_word.conf tee $ef_avail_dir/$ef_fm_conf >/dev/null << END # elFinder default Apache configuration Alias /filemanager /usr/share/filemanager <Directory /usr/share/filemanager> Options FollowSymLinks DirectoryIndex index.html AllowOverride All <IfVersion >= 2.3> Require all granted </IfVersion> <IfVersion < 2.3> Order allow,deny Allow from all </IfVersion> # Clear PHP settings of this website #<FilesMatch ".+\.ph(p[345]?|t|tml)$"> # SetHandler None #</FilesMatch> Require all granted <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> <Directory /usr/share/filemanager> <FilesMatch "\.php[345]?$"> <If "-f '%{REQUEST_FILENAME}'"> SetHandler php-fcgi </If> </FilesMatch> </Directory> <Directory /usr/share/filemanager> <FilesMatch "\.php[345]?$"> <If "-f '%{REQUEST_FILENAME}'"> SetHandler php-fcgi </If> </FilesMatch> </Directory> Action php-fcgi /php-fcgi virtual </IfModule> <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'self'" Header set Content-Security-Policy "img-src 'self'" </IfModule> <IfModule mod_php7.c> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off php_flag track_vars On php_flag register_globals Off php_value include_path . </IfModule> </Directory> <IfModule mod_ssl.c> SSLStaplingCache shmcb:/var/run/ocsp(128000) </IfModule> END if [ ! -f $ef_enabl_dir/$ef_fm_conf ]; then a2enconf $ef_word; fi } # Apache write to custom and ispconfig vhost files function write_apache_vhost () { # Define custom and ispconfig vhost files master_vhost=apache_ispconfig.conf.master target_vhost=/etc/apache2/sites-available/ispconfig.conf target_base=$(basename $target_vhost) ef_port=$(grep -i "\*:" $target_vhost | cut -d : -f 2,3 | cut -d " " -f1) sm_search="\/squirrelmail" # Run custom conf function set_custom_conf if [ -f $ispc_custom_dir/$master_vhost ]; then # Go to the conf-custom folder cd $ispc_custom_dir set_apache_conf add_master_conf set_apache_vhost add_target_conf set_elfinder_conf # Reload apache2 if all good and report result ispcvhost=/etc/apache2/sites-available/ispconfig.vhost ef_port=$(grep -i "\*:" $ispcvhost | cut -d : -f 2,3 | cut -d " " -f1) if AOUTPUT=$(/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -t 2>&1); then systemctl reload apache2 echo -e "Apache2 "$ef_reload"\n\n"$ef_browse""$ef_port"/$ef_word\n" else echo -e "Apache2 "$ef_failed"\n\n"$ef_manual"\n" fi fi } # For Debian, Ubuntu & derivatives if apt-get -v >/dev/null 2>&1; then # If web server is nginx, check and modify apps vhost accordingly if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' nginx 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 1 ]; then write_nginx_vhost # If web server is apache2, check and modify ispconfig vhost accordingly elif [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' apache2 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 1 ]; then write_apache_vhost fi # For Red Hat, Centos & derivatives elif which yum &> /dev/null 2>&1; then # If web server is nginx, check and modify apps vhost accordingly if ( rpm -q nginx ); then write_nginx_vhost # If web server is apache2, check and modify ispconfig vhost accordingly elif ( rpm -q httpd ); then write_apache_vhost fi else echo $ef_nosupport fi
Update. Basically this was merged few days back and now available in the ISPConfig official tools. Those who need it can now the new link instead: Code: cd /etc/cron.daily curl -s > chmod +x ./ Or directly via this command. Code: curl -sL | bash There are some minor spelling mistakes that need fixing which I will be attending to but other than that, this latest bash script should work fine in most cases. There are also possibilities to integrate this with ISPConfig as elfinder is also php and has an API to do so but I will leave that to other interested parties as it is neither considered as urgent nor important at this stage. Do report if there is any anomalies detected especially if your system is not using bash. (I do have some related but isolated reports that need to be addressed to.)
Hi @ahrasis, I'm wondering why different vhosts (apps vs ispconfig) are used by the script in Nginx vs Apache? Also, the you have "ELFINDER FILE MANAGER CONFIG STARTS" as an ending comment in Nginx config. I suppose this wasn't intentional?
For Apache2, default is set by ispconfig.conf which I think is meant for ispconfig.vhost not apps.vhost: For Nginx, default is clearly set in apps.vhost: So I was merely following the default though I can change it in the future if the default for apache2 is changed.
A short explanation about the file: The ispconfig.conf file is not specifically for the ispconfig.vhost. It contains all general Apache configs that are not for a specific vhost but is set by ISPConfig. In general, all external apps should be made accessible through apps vhost as running them in the context of the ispconfig.vhost may cause security issues.
Noted that with many thanks. I will update the script to use only apps.vhost port for both apache2 and nginx then. I will submit for merge once it is ready. Should be simple I think.
The updated script is ready and already submitted to be merged into the master branch. Meanwhile, pending the merge approval, volunteers and others can check the updated script here:
I think I don't know how to use the tool, or something is wrong. First, shouldn't it ask for a username/password, or if not, would it use the one currently open in the browser? Second, nothing appears for me: Where is my error? OR is this the way it is and I must mount a network drive via FTP (fourth button)?
You should get this when you click that: Use the credentials created when creating ftp account via ISPConfig UI. This elfinder (webftp) file manager works just like any other ftp client. Host: Use your servername FQDN to use ftps. Port: Your ftp opened (normally 21) / forwarded (if it is behind nat and you use forwarding) port. Path: Normally is /web for ISPConfig. User: As created. Password: As created. FTPS: Tick for security. Any upload and download limit is subject to php default limit, just like PMA (PhpMyAdmin). You can increase that accordingly to you server capability / limit.
I understood, I had already connected it and it worked. Now what I found strange is that it opens without information and on a practically blank screen, customers would get lost in this, Is there any way to make it ask to mount the network volume once it opens?