Want ISPConfig to appear when browsing to cp.domain.com

Discussion in 'General' started by CyD, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. CyD

    CyD New Member

    I'm having some problems getting various virtual host functions to work (I now have 5 hours of ISPConfig experience under my belt). I'd like cp.mydomain.com to go to ISPConfig login, but I just can't get it going yet. I tried a redirect, but saw no result. When I couldn't figure out how to do it in ISPConfig, I went into webmin (where I'm very comfortable) and edited the virtual host for cp.mydomain.com. I had it point to /var/www/ispconfig instead of /var/www. Oddly enough, this had no effect (restarted apache)! This box was setup from scratch using Ubuntu 8.10 & ISPConfig 3 howto. As this is my first work with ISPConfig, I'm not sure what it might do under the hood that makes virtual hosts act differently than what I'm used to?

    And if I could say briefly, thanks for creating this software, I have chosen it thus far because I need a professional interface for hosting clients, I just need some time to come to grips with how you guys do subdomains and the like (it is very different than cpanel or webmin!).

    Also.. is there a way to specify the document root for a virtual host, or will this always be handled by a redirect in ISPConfig?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    To redirect a subdomain to the controlpanel use the "L" redirect mode and then enter:


    in the redirect field.

    By the way, never install webmin and ispconfig on the same server or you will get a lot of problems. You will either have to uninstall webmin or ispconfig.

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