I'm having some problems getting various virtual host functions to work (I now have 5 hours of ISPConfig experience under my belt). I'd like cp.mydomain.com to go to ISPConfig login, but I just can't get it going yet. I tried a redirect, but saw no result. When I couldn't figure out how to do it in ISPConfig, I went into webmin (where I'm very comfortable) and edited the virtual host for cp.mydomain.com. I had it point to /var/www/ispconfig instead of /var/www. Oddly enough, this had no effect (restarted apache)! This box was setup from scratch using Ubuntu 8.10 & ISPConfig 3 howto. As this is my first work with ISPConfig, I'm not sure what it might do under the hood that makes virtual hosts act differently than what I'm used to? And if I could say briefly, thanks for creating this software, I have chosen it thus far because I need a professional interface for hosting clients, I just need some time to come to grips with how you guys do subdomains and the like (it is very different than cpanel or webmin!). Also.. is there a way to specify the document root for a virtual host, or will this always be handled by a redirect in ISPConfig? Thanks!
To redirect a subdomain to the controlpanel use the "L" redirect mode and then enter: http://hostnameoftheserver.tld:8080/ in the redirect field. By the way, never install webmin and ispconfig on the same server or you will get a lot of problems. You will either have to uninstall webmin or ispconfig.