Wants and Needs! How to build this idea.

Discussion in 'Technical' started by happz, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. happz

    happz Member

    Hello all. Here is what I want to accomplish and my time frame is 12 to 24 months to prefect. I want build a Linux server(s) with a massive amount of hard drive space and RAM so that I can provide VPS to clients to run their own virtual servers-resell accounts. I need to know the best hardware i.e. server (dell(s) maybe?) and technology to use. My scope on this project is to first build this on a small scale and then take it up a notch. Small meaning on a dsl line. I would also need to know best practice for backups and high availability.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Regarding the hardware, all recent double- or quad-core processors with enough RAM (6 or (GB) should be fine.

    Regarding the backups: I think I'd use rsync for files and this tutorial for MySQL: http://www.howtoforge.com/back_up_mysql_dbs_without_interruptions

    Regarding High-Availability: Take a look at the heartbeat/keepalived/Wackamole tutorials in the High-Availability category.
  3. happz

    happz Member

    Thank you!

    Good info...

    Thanks Falko!

    HappZ :D
  4. id10t

    id10t Member

    I'd look at how linode.com does things - they have a customized UML set up (you could do the same with xen, virtualbox, etc as well) and they sell virtual machines. Once you have a vm, you install whatever distro and packages you want - you have full control.

    I'd look at doing something like this, and having an image set up that basically serves up ISPConfig...
  5. happz

    happz Member

    Hey..good info

    I will take a look. It's sounds like what I am after. Thanks!


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