Good evening, Well my ongoing project to configure my own home server is really coming together. The web server, file server and mail server are all up and running and everything seems to be working fine. Now what I'm thinking of doing is installing some sort of web interface so I can access my media files from the cottage. (All my mdeia files currently sit on a NAS on the LAN.) I took a look at Ampache but it's not really what I'm looking for. I want to be able to browse the files in my collection and stream them to my remote location. Of couse there has to be sufficient security so they're not merely wide open so I'm thinking there's something that relies on a MySQL database. Any ideas or suggestions?
Following your recommendation, yes. It installed relatively easy on Ubuntu 12.04 / Apache using the information right on from where it was downloaded. It's likely advisable to create the MySQL database BEFORE you run the configuration as some users have had problems but that is clearly outlined at: It's pretty clear that the default install is designed for documents, photos and music and not streaming video but I imagine once I read the docs a bit more there's likely a way to tailor it a bit more to meet my needs. The GUI interface is also very crisp, fresh, modern and simple. Now I need to figure out how to point it to the NAS... Thanks agin... this very might be the web application that puts a finishing touch to my home-based server.
OwnCloud seems very promising and I've tinkered with it a bit this afternoon. And while I have been able to stream an MP3 file I cannot figure out how to stream vido content from WMV, MP4 or AVI video files. I must be missing something...