Hello last friday i applied a pathc for ispconfig that is to add DKIM, spf and DMARC, the patch said to add to web main server(web2) and mail server , so i did... All seemed well I went away for the weekend came back and another tech said mail is not going out from web 2, not sure what he did he said he installed postfix-mysql, not sure why? The mail logs say this... Aug 29 07:50:37 web2 postfix/error[31602]: 1275C4EE95A: to=<[email protected]>, relay=none, delay=213041, delays=213040/0.36/0/0.07, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable) I also see this Aug 29 07:52:56 web2 postfix/qmgr[11821]: warning: connect to transport private/amavis: No such file or directory but amavis is not installed on this machine and there is no reference in master of main.cf to and filter, they are plain Jane postfix files. I cannot seem to get postfix to work, and there at 100 emails stuck in the queue with the same above error. Ideas/suggestions? Thanks..
Postfix is looking for these files, but they do not exist?? check_table_result: mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_sender.cf Should they on the web machine?, i have a 2 server setup , the current server that is messed up does nothing but web and is main ispconfig server
The dkim patch configures dkim in amavis, you can not install it on machines without amavis and it requires that this server is an ispconfig mailserver. Files like /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_sender.cf are from the ispconfig mailserver setup, if this is not an ispconfig mailserver then they don't exist. If you have a backup of the postfix main.cf and master.cf files of the web server, then you should consider to restore these two files from the backup and then restart postfix.
You have to install it on the interface server as well, but the postfix/amavis should not be configured there as you would need the interface php files only there.
After uninstalling amavis and postfix-mysql with apt-get remove --purge and restoring my backup i still get this in the log files status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
These are probably emails that have been put in the queue before you restored postfix and postfix will try to deliver them trough the original transport.
And also i still see this in the log when i do postfix flush warning: connect to transport private/amavis: No such file or directory And there are 100 emails in the queue
Ahh, ok i see i flushed the queue and then sent test email and all is ok I did not know that stuff in the would use old setting, You learn sometime ever day!