Hellow i search in the net hoe to make an FTP , Web and DNS Server and i cant find a good turturial how to makes them , if someone can give me a link to me it , i have to make it in fedora 18. Thanks
Do that on Debian by this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-ru...and-secondary-with-ispconfig-3-debian-squeeze By this you have your own DNS any full webhosting server....
Thanks it is so usefull i make it, how i make it more safe to close ports and other things to make it safer.
that ISPconfig have in administration own firewall. There you can close ports but I think you will not help yourselve. I think you can change ssh port from 22 to 2222. And you can that port allow only on some ipaddress. Thats I think all. Ispconfig use fail2ban thats good protection I think if you dont use password like "123456"