I have webalizer and I succeeded in automating his execution. The problem is that I make a rotation of my logs with logrotate. I have many logs and many site. It is possible to have the stats in an automatic way on each logs of all the sites. I put incremental at yes in the configuration file of webalizer (webalizer.conf). In fact what I want is how to change this line automatically so as to carry out stats on all the logs. LogFile C:/xampp/apache/logs/logs/access_ancien015.log
Do you run Apache on Windows? Can you describe more exactly what you want to do? It's not quite clear for me from your post...
I make a rotation of my logs. They are named in this way: logfile_DDMMYYYY.log where DD is the day, MM is the month and YYYY is the year. I have a script bash which carries out webalizer automatically each day. But the problem is that it is necessary that I will manually change the line in webalizer.conf which gives the name of the log on which one i would like to do the stats. I want to know if there is a way of doing that automatically, so that the stats are made on all the files logs automatically.
I asked the same thing, I wanted stats from all the logs from allmy vhosts displayed together but as anyone had an answer to this I made another logfile , one complete logfile for all vhosts as I did not know how to unite all tzhese logfiles with changing names ( I am running on linux)
You can run webalizer from the shell and specify the logfile there. See Code: man webalizer This means you could write a script that takes care of your changing logfile names and invokes webalizer.