I reinstall ispconfig on ubuntu dapper all work perfect but webalizer when create the stadistics only count the olds visits, no new visits are created. how can i do? 7281 registros (7281 ignorados) en 0,05 segundos 2575 registros (2575 ignorados) en 0,02 segundos 219 registros (219 ignorados) en 0,00 segundos 50 registros (50 ignorados) en 0,00 segundos all are ignored because are old to date. where are new records, where are webalizer logs?? in /log on respective dominds?
The logfiles are in the log directory of every website. The logfiles are split autmatically every night and then the webalizer script is called, so dont expect that the webalizer stats change when you call the webalizer script manually without splitting the logfiles before.
Thanks Till I tried to do a /etc/init.d/cron stop pkill cron (Make sure no cron processes are left.) Edit your crontab (crontab -e) and save it again. Then restart cron: /etc/init.d/cron start But, then It didn't work fine here...