Webalizer Stats and Drupal

Discussion in 'General' started by dclardy, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. dclardy

    dclardy Member

    I have been reading a lot about the stats folder not working with Drupal installed. This has been really annoying me. I have spent the past hour trying to figure it out. I am using example.com as the domain below.

    Earlier today, I noticed that there was no .htpasswd_stats file in the /var/www/example.com/ folder. You will have to create that for now.

    htpasswd -c /var/www/example.com/.htpasswd_stats admin 
    This will create the password, but it still will not work. After searching, I found this helpful tip on the drupal site.

    Create a new .htaccess file in the target folder, eg folder1/.htaccess
    Add the lines

    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
    Options +Indexes
    I then went to the .htaccess folder and added those two lines at the beginning. The file should look like this when complete.

    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
    Options +Indexes
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Members Only"
    AuthUserFile /var/www/clients/client1/web1/.htpasswd_stats
    require valid-user
    I can say that this got me the webalizer stats back. I hope that it helps someone out there. It seems that a lot of us are using Drupal these days.

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