
Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by lifeisboost, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I have a site that webalizer has all of a sudden just stopped. I have doen every fix i have found but it will not fix it. The log file is not over 2 gigs, webalizer works fine for all other sites in the server. it has been a month since this sites statistics have been updated. I even tried to manually setup a webalizer config file through webmin for this site and it still will not creat a statistics page. the site is not out of space either and webalizer is checked in the isp control panel.

    The server is F9 and ispconfig 2.2.29, im at a loss on this one as it works fine on all other sites for this server, just this one site has the issue of no stats.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Does the access log for this specific website contains the latest log lines (one day old)?
  3. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    yes it does and it rotates monthly like it should. I have manually run webalizer for this site and run webalizer.php with no errors or output.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And do the statistics got created after you had run it manually?
  5. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    No stats are ever produced, but for every other site on this server it works as it should. only 1 site out of 100 others has an issue where webalizer will not work.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, thats starange. Please ckeck that the site has a symlink with its domain name in /var/www (or were your sites are) that points to the we[ID] folder of the website like all other sites.
  7. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    Yes the symbolic link is correct. i have even pointed directly to the log file in that month under log/2009 and still no report.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The symlink in /var/www may not point to the logfile! It has to point to the website directory. Please do not mix this up with the symlink in the logs folder which points to the logfile.
  9. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    I know, i should have clarified, i have pointed webalizer directly to the log file for the month/ year when i tried to manually run webalizer.

    web.log -> /home/www/www.xxxxxxxxx.com/log/2009/07/web.log

    www.xxxxxxxxx.com -> /home/www/web5
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok. And if you look into the file /home/www/www.xxxxxxxxx.com/log/2009/07/web.log, it contains current log entries?

    If yes, then please delete the webalizer.hist and webalizer.current files in the stats directory of this site. Maybe there was a wrong line with a date in the future in one of the older logs and webalizer skips now all records until this future date is reached. Please be aware that tis might delete some older stats for this site, so make a backup of the satta directory if you need them.
  11. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    Unfortunately that does not help. i backed up my stats directory and deleted every file in their last week thinking it could have been a bad file, still no stats have been compiled either :( I have even pointed it to a new directory thinking maybe the directory was screwed.

    and yes when view /home/www/www.xxxxxxxxx.com/log/2009/07/web.log it shows current information as of right now.
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then I have no idea what might cause thsi. Did you try to run webalizer manually (I mena the webalizer binyra and not webalizer.php)? The command line options for webalizer can be found in webalizer.php.
  13. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    I have. i setup webalizer manually through webmin and even tried thatway with no luck
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please do not use webmin as it destroys the configuration from ISPCOnfig!
  15. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    Actually webmin compliments ispconfig nicely i have never had an issue with them playing nicely.

    it looks like ther webalizer.php is to blame because when i take the exec string and manually run it in SSH it works perfectly

    webalizer -n www.xxxx.com -s www.xxxx.com -r www.xxxx.com -q -T -o /home/www/www.xxxx.com/web/stats -c /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.conf /home/www/www.xxxx.com/log/web.log
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The webalizer.php file works on basis of the symlinks, so if webalizer stats are fine for all sites except this one, then there is a probem with the symlink. So please check the symlinks again.
  17. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    poking around any new site i have added since this one stopped working do not have stats either. im left scratching my head on this one. i have not done any changes to the server or upgrades....
  18. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    did some more diagnostics, i echoed the sites it was running stats for and it is only running stats for 25 of the 49 sites on this server. I am not sure why it is doing this as everything is set to to run stats. I will dig some more and see what else i can find. Its as if something in the isp_isp_web table is causing the stats to not run when it loads all of the fields from the mysql statement.
  19. SamTzu

    SamTzu Active Member

    Till, can you elaborate on the Webmin problem?
    I use it all the time to monitor and debug.
    I don't use it to modify configurations that have been made with ISPConfig.
    Does it's installation break anything?
  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The installation of webmin does not break anything as long as you dont use webmin to cahnge any setting on your server.

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