WebDAV configure questions

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Quaxth, May 2, 2017.

  1. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Hi, hope all well after a long weekend?!

    Just some questions about WebDAV:
    1. Using to set Protected Folders, to make all files and folders within a specific folder accessible to all allowed users, is it OK just to use: /home/shares/allusers/ so a allowed user has access to ALL inside the allusers folder, or is a Wildcard needed, or recommended?
    2. In WebDAV User, the Folder webdav/ is already hardcoded: [​IMG], could be any other folder on the Server, like /home/shares/ etc. be used as well?
    3. If 2. is possible, whats about the security?
    Thanks for any infos. and best rergards.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) The iSPConfig webdav setup is in the folder /var/www/domain.tld/webdav and not in /home. Potected folders and protected folder users are not related to webdav, they are a function to protect folders in the public website.
    2) no.
  3. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Sorry, I'm out of office today, thanks anyway for the answer!
    What that really means: WebDAV Users could access only the folders (as WebDAV User) ate /var/www/domain.tld but in /home/? That function of Protected folders in ISPC are for to get access using Username and Passwords only?
    In Samba, I tested already the Excel files with a lot of Links in it, and those works well from within the LAN! All Links simply working as they should, perfectly!
    The question for me now is: How to get access to the same files and folders (the Excel files/worksheets) via the Internet on secure base, as well as 'normal' using Samba on the LAN?
    Thanks for your advice.
  4. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    What would be the easiest way for to connect over the Internet to Data on Server? Via a Website, I suppose?!
    Just would need to create a simple website with links to a protected folder, would that do the job? Or would it even better just to use Owncloud to get access to needed data?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    OwnCloud or NextCloud might be easier t manage for you as you can even set passwords for single files. But if you need just a password protected folder, then the functions in ISPConfig might be fine as well.
  6. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Thanks Till.
    Those protected folders could be the same as used in Samda/home? And connect to it by a Website link with username and password?
    If so, that would make things easier!
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Protected folders are folders of the public website, so they are always subfolders of /var/www/doman.tld/web/
  8. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    There any way to link protected files on Home folder and access via the Internet?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can try to use symlinks.
  10. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Thanks Till, will take a closer look at it, but today! I'm tired and already since 7 am on work an d now it's 10 pm!!

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