WebID groups

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by BobGeorge, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. BobGeorge

    BobGeorge Member

    I've copied the website files from the first storage server to the second - with the "preserve attributes", so that the dates and such would remain the same - and then I resync'd the servers in ISPConfig to ensure that the user / group IDs all match up. I have got the "WebID" option on, so that all user / group IDs begin from 10000.

    Whilst all the files do have the correct user ID "web54" or "web21" and so forth, the group IDs seem to be all over the place. They're correct for one website, no problem. But another website has a group ID like "10016". A number and not an actual group name. Another one makes no sense at all and says "5005", which isn't in the 10000+ range.

    I've possibly made some mistake in copying things over or in the syncing of the cluster with ISPConfig. But I don't really see what I've done wrong or how I might rectify this and make ISPConfig fix the group IDs (the user IDs are fine after the resync, though).

    And, you know, fix it in a more useful way than manually going through all the files and "chown"ing them by hand.

    Also, does Apache / PHP / suexec care about the group IDs? Because, as I say, the user IDs are correct. So the website files are owned by the right users - it's just that the users are not all in their correct groups (or even groups that exist - as I don't know why one website has a group ownership of "5005").
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You see the number instead of a group name when the group is missing in the /etc/group file of the server. If you are running a cluster (mirror mode), then ensure that the 'connect userid to web id" feature is enabled for all servers in that cluster under system > server config > web.

    The ownership of website folders can be fixed by enabling the change ownership on update option in the server config and then running Tools > resync. But you might try to update a single website first to ensure that nothing gets broken before you resync all. This will not change files inside the web dir's though.
  3. BobGeorge

    BobGeorge Member

    Okay, the group IDs are now all correct on the ISPConfig-controlled folders. Other folders, though, haven't been touched - but that makes sense, as ISPConfig is just not messing around with things that it shouldn't.

    I must have made a mistake in the copying or did things in the wrong order or something.

    Anyway, thanks. I guess I can fix things from here now.
  4. BobGeorge

    BobGeorge Member

    Hmm, the UIDs / GIDs on the servers don't entirely match. Some do and some don't. The "5005" was one of the first clients I created - to represent myself, in fact - before I'd turned on the "webID" in the config (I didn't know how it all worked back then).

    It's interesting that it actually works, but I'm guessing that, as I use NFSv4 to access the network drives, then it's doing some auto-magic UID mapping thing that's hidden this disparity from me all this time.

    Is there some easy way - besides a few "usermod" and a lot of "chown" - to reorder the UIDs / GIDs on the servers?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    When the option is not turned on, then the Linux useradd commands will use the next free ID. If it is turned on, then ISPConfig forces an ID for the user which is calculated based on min userid + webID of the website.

    Not as far as I know.

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