Webmin & phpMyAdmin

Discussion in 'General' started by kingtech, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. kingtech

    kingtech New Member

    I am running a CentOS box that was pretty much done step for step with the perfect install, though I did it on an i386 rather than 64. I did have apache 1.x installed previously (I found this site while I was trying to configure the SSL with a self signed cert by googling) and I had Webmin and phpMyAdmin running on it... they are still installed, but after I installed ISPConfig I lost functionality on the webmin completely and had to move the phpMyAdmin into a folder off of my vhost webroot... I would like the phpMyAdmin accessible from all domains without placing separate copies in each, as well as make webmin accessible again... what did I do wrong?

    thanks for your help!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you install phpmyadmin as ISPConfig package, it can be accessed from all websites.
  3. kingtech

    kingtech New Member

    ok... will investigate the phpMyAdmin component... what about webmin?
  4. kingtech

    kingtech New Member


    webmin works fine with ISPConfig.... somehow the service stopped :: DUH ::

    I did find the phpMyAdmin package for ISPConfig (along with the RoundcubeWebmail package) at


    (again :: DUH :: ) and they installed very simply through the ISPConfig's Management>Update Manager>Update

    I really like this setup... And to think I almost took a job with cPanel this summer. This might put em out of business.

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