Webmin "System and Server Status" don't seem to be able to restart a service when it goes down even though it detects the "down state". Any1 know a solution for this?
I still use Webmin for some simple stuff like Non Caching Bind servers and Browser based SSH. TurnkeyLinux uses primarily Webmin on their control panels for different pre-made LXC based containers. I'm still looking for a DHCP6 container for LXC. Heads up if you see 1.
Be aware, that using webmin can be a severe security issue: Code: http://www.webmin.com/exploit.html (sorry for code block, I'm no allowed to post links ) Their repository got hacked and they delivered malware and they don't know how. Then they reverted their repository and got hacked again and delivered malware. Now they reverted a second time... I would not trust them any more and don't use it productively.
Mostly it's useful because of the "System and Server Status" options. Easy way to setup "mini" monitoring and alert system. I use stuff like "Maximum mail queue size." When Postfix mailque grows larger then 1000 emails Webmin sends an alert to SendClick which sends me a SMS text message. Easy, cheap. Just like me