Webs missing from client's panel

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Yukinarija, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Yukinarija

    Yukinarija New Member

    Hello there,
    Repairing this installation of ISPConfig (another person set it up before), and an interesting thing is going on.

    For example, there are several websites that are missing from the ISPConfig CP (only the client accounts remain), but the websites are in the correct folders. Additionally some of the websites seem to redirect to other websites. - so in general its just a big mess.

    Is there any tool with ISPConfig to re-check folders and fix accounts? Or should I back them up and re-create the accounts?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If the websites are still in the ispconfig database, then you can recreate missing folders. If someoen manually deleted recrds in the database, then the webs cant be recreated from folders. Are the websites still listed in the dbispconfig database, in the web_domain table?
  3. Yukinarija

    Yukinarija New Member

    Hello Till,

    Thank you for replying, I am glad to see that you're still doing a good job!

    It seems that the web_domain table only has those entries which are displayed on the control panel, there are no others. So I will take it then - that the configuration is non repairable by auto means and will handle it manually I guess :).


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