Hi Guys Its me again, I have a new question for you! I have a windows environment that is used to back up a lot of my files, but I want to be able to back up the IMAP emails with permissions in tact, in case I need to restore. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I can achieve this. I do not mind if it is not incremental, its just something that I want to be able to run daily and make sure that I can restore in the even of total failure. Thinking about it, I suppose the same question goes for ISP Accounts etc as a whole. KRs Lee
Wow, thanks for that. I just installed it, and I now have a shiny backup button. Do you know of a way that I can automatically push these backups to Windows, or get Windows to pull them automatically? Would it be something along the lines of mounting a shared drive in Debian, and running a job that copies the files in one location to the Samba share? Lee