Website deleted, ID still remains

Discussion in 'General' started by alex_popa_81, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. alex_popa_81

    alex_popa_81 New Member

    I have a small problem. After I delete a website from ISPC, when I try to create a new one, I need to preserve the ID from the deleted one, but, unfortunately, the ID is +1..... what to do?

    PS: also, the web[nr] is changing. I need to remove all data about the previous website including ID number and web[nr].
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The ID's are auto increment ID's from mysql, so deleting a record will not reset this counter. The only way to reuse them is to change the auto increment counter of the web_domain table in mysql.
  3. alex_popa_81

    alex_popa_81 New Member

    This is not helpfull cause I already searched the entries located in web_domain table and it seems the entries for the deleted sites were deleted as well, and from 22 skips directly to 26 at domain_id..... and that's where my problem stands..... is there a cache somewhere, or an autobackup, something that can make a deleted record persist in dbispconfig???
    In simple words, I created a test site which was 21, and after completion, I needed to re-create the website in the same spot (21). Suprise, it was 23. Now it's 26, because I tried deleting it and recreating it for 3 times.....
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  5. alex_popa_81

    alex_popa_81 New Member

    Indeed, it is really hard to reset the value of auto-increment..... :)))) That was the first thing I did. Note: I do it, press execute, says everything was a success and when I try to recreate the website, surprise, it's back to the same thing. Now I'm on ID 28. Change it to 23, Execute, success, refresh, 28....... by Bildo Baggins :)))
  6. alex_popa_81

    alex_popa_81 New Member

    I finaly managed myself to figure it out. Seems like my host has some backup settings that automaticaly revert any changes made through phpmyadmin. There was an option in the control panel which after I disabled it, worked out like a charm. Thanks anyway.

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