Website domain can not be changed by user

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by arraken, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. arraken

    arraken Member

    whenever I try to change the domain name of a website while logged in as a user, I get the Message "The Domain can not be changed. Please ask your Administrator...".

    I read that this happens when the client didn't create the Website himself, however, this is not the case. I also checked the web_domain table and the "sys_perm_group" is correctly set to "riud". What can be the problem?

    I have a multiserver setup (Version, and the client does not have the DNS module enabled - but that shouldn't interfere here, right?

    Edit: I also tried it on our testserver (ISPConfig Singleserver), with a newly created client. I get the same "Domain can not be changed" Message there.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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