Hello, I am still trying out on ispconfig, before making it live. When i create a user for email, i get a username as webxx_user, and when the user wants to connect, he has to use webxx_user as his username, atleast while ftp .. i haven't checked out what userid he has to use for his emails yet. Is it possible, while ftp, or email, they have their userid as [email protected] instead of webxx_user. If yes, how should i try to achieve that ? I have decided to use postfix as my smtp server, and not sendmail. Also, i checked on ubeiui on freshmeat, it still has a lots of bugs' open, so i'm hesitant to use that as my webmail. I am thinking of using either Horde, or squirrelmail. Thanks
Please have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=378 http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1275