Weird DNS Issue

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by sligbot, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. sligbot

    sligbot New Member

    We've been using Ispconfig for several years. We've just migrated one server from v2 over to v3 and had good results with our testing. We had the test server running on a x.x.x.235 IP and moved it to the old server IP of x.x.x.228. Now we're having resolving issues with several of our sites. When I use dig, it points back to x.x.x.235 instead of the .228 IP. I've changed the IP on the server, changed it in Ispconfig, changed them in the DNS records files but without any change.
    Any thoughts?
  2. TiTex

    TiTex Member

    have you changed the IP of your NS to point to your new server ?
    ...asuming it's a public IP
    also if you have a slave dns server , make sure that the zone it's updated with the new records

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