Hi there, i configured my welcome email messages with variables (mail server,dns server,username,etc) from ISPconfig interface,but when i create a new email account will receive the default welcome email (Welcome to your new email account. Your webmaster.) I looked for the custom-conf but there is any customized welcome-email template,only "empty.dir". Why doesn't it work? Can anybody help me? Thanks pkaresz11
I guess you mix up the client welcome emails which can be sent when a new client is created with the welcome email for new email accounts. The welcome emails for mail accounts are file based and custom texts have to be added in conf-custom/mail/ directory.
Hi Till, vielen dank für deinen Antwort,ich hätte nicht gedacht,dass das für die neuen Kliente ist.Es hat mich gestört,dass im Interface die gleiche "Welcome..." Text ist. Trotzdem funktioniert die Server Variable nicht. (webservers,mailserver,dnsservers).Also im email sind diese leer. Hast du Idee warum? Vielen Dank