what is the difference between mandriva free and mandriva power pack?

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by foottuns, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. foottuns

    foottuns New Member

    Can some one explain me what is the difference between mandriva free and mandriva power pack, I am trying to use a new linux desktop and don't know which one to choose, now i am running centos, i was thinking to use ubuntu but i dont like it and also suse, which suse looks better then ubuntu, now i wanna try mandriva to see if is working the way i want, i need also a few tools to install on mandriva like kvpnc and also to read docx files, i know is hard to have that but hope it will work, so that's why i don't want to have any surprises.. any way can some in the end explain me what is this difference..... pls....
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. foottuns

    foottuns New Member

    so using mandriva free is like using suse 11, not so big difference in the end, the only thing is because of the mandriva support and a few extra softwares and drivers.. well i wanna use mandriva as a dekstop but i dont want to pay 59 euro's for nothing.

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