What is the logic behind FTP user, client prefix, and multiple domains

Discussion in 'General' started by kanour, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. kanour

    kanour Member


    Please, can someone explain me what is the logic with FTP users and client prefix?

    One client = username = firmname
    Multiple sites for this client= site1.com, site2.com, site3.com

    All sites are completely separate however only one company/client owns them.

    I do not understand how create FTP users to distinguish between the sites. For example I have same user name for both site1.com ([email protected]) and site2.com ([email protected]). I want to create FTP user for each, however the logic in ISPConfig will allow me to create only [CLIENTNAME]george. Understand that I do not want to create different username then email address prefix.

    In addition, using [CLIENTNAME] is not the best idea as it has got nothing to do with site name. Using [CLIENTID] is hard to remember on the other hand.

    Can you share what you use in such cases?
  2. Mark_NL

    Mark_NL Member

    You can remove the prefix in your ispconfig settings:

    System -> Interface Config

    On all our ISPConfig systems we use the clientid as prefix on everything (dbname, ftplogin, shell accounts etc .. ) everywhere you're working on the server you'll find those numbers and always reference to one client.

    what if you get another client called george? Call it george2?
  3. Steveorevo

    Steveorevo Member

    Domain ID

    I personally used to like using the "[DOMAIN]." prefix on the older ISPConfig 2 (I know, you can't use for database names, actually ISPConfig 2 would correct for that).

    I was hoping for [DOMAIN] support in ISPConfig 3 but I don't see it. Browsing through source I found [DOMAINID] but it doesn't seem to work. Its nicer to have clients remember their domain for a unique identifier for webdav and FTP, i.e.



    'c32steve' or worse 'stevesteve' as clientname is 99% likely to be what the client is going to use as login name as well!
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Using the dommainame would break your setup as soon as the client changes the domain name of the website.
  5. Steveorevo

    Steveorevo Member

    Prefix needed for webdav

    Then again, do we even need to have a prefix for webdav? Doesn't this internally normalize to a virtualhost block that already is unique to the domain name and therefore shouldn't cause a conflict anyways? I know a unique ID is needed for FTP, but webdav?

    Anyone know if its unique (enough) to remove webdav prefix?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As Mark_NL pointed out, the prefixes are configurable in System -> Interface Config.

    For webdav will work without prefix, but most providers prefer consistent username schemes, so they use the same prefix for all services.
  7. Steveorevo

    Steveorevo Member

    Curious prefix

    Changing the domain name is totally destructive anyways. In fact, ISPConfig 3 won't let a user change a domain name once it is created. I get the message "contact your administrator to change your domain name". Does ISPConfig offer an interface and functionality to rename a domain? Does it go through and change the folder name on the server (that'd be pretty amazing). None the less, its very unlikely that a user would change there domain name without it affecting their source files (i.e. WordPress, Drupal). Because such sites serialize data to MySQL its not like a search/replace (byte offsets would break the database with a new domain name shorter/longer characters then the original).

    Most likely the client would just create a new site and migrate files. That and a domain name change usually solicits a real world company acquisition, or at least a site redesign (cha' ching!).
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Not at all. ISPConfig implements the website structure in a way that you can change the domain name without breaking anything.

    Thats not correct. You mix up here the website settings protection with changing the domain name. The administrator can change the domain name at any time.

    Also the paths dont change as the domain name is not used in the website path, so you can do a domain name change this with almost all most cms systems. Just id it yesterday with a joomla install and a wordpress system.

    I work with a lot of webdesign companys for more then 10 years and they regularíly change domain names during development process of a site.
  9. Steveorevo

    Steveorevo Member

    I guess it depends on your clients. As a designer > 10 years my clients would die if they changed their domain name or lost their SEO rankings. Color.com didn't spend millions for nuthin' ;-)

    But companies do get bought and sold left and right so I see your point. Nice that ISPConfig covers this. Unfortunately, although WebDAV is something I prefer because of speed and routers being optimized for HTTP protocols, it doesn't look like I can use it in ISPConfig 3 because everything is a child of webdav (i.e. no site root access). Just as well as I see it to writes under www-data. I'll try SFTP, that's probably just as fast and more secure?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I've not talked about already published sites, so seo does not matter ;)

    I recommend that you use ftps (ftp with tls encryption). Its fast and secure.

    Webdav wont work for this as webdav in apache can not switch the user to a user that is not www-data.

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