what is the recommended virtualization option?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by ganewbie, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. ganewbie

    ganewbie Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi ISPConfig fans,
    I was considering the following tutorial however it is old, I though I would check with you guys.
    What is the recommended Options of the three, i know now ProxMox dropped OpenVZ.
    I have already a system running using option 1 but it may be a better option nowadays to use option 2. Or Do I abandoned OpenVZ and go for something different?
    What is your thoughts?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The problem with OpenVZ is that the classic OpenVZ does not exist anymore and the new OpenVZ 7 is basically a wrapper around KVM. I have not tested OpenVZ 7 yet, but as it is not the technology of OpenVZ anymore so I see no benefits using it compared to a direct KVM setup. ISPConfig still supports only the old OpenVZ, I have not decided which road we shall got as it will have to end in a complete new virtualization mode.
    ganewbie likes this.
  3. ganewbie

    ganewbie Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks Till for the quick response,
    What is you thought of LXD?
  4. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Depends on what you want. I install a base debian and then I add proxmox to it. After that I setup VMs for individual tasks - one of them being ISPConfig. So I run ISPC within a VM.
  5. ganewbie

    ganewbie Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks Sjau,
    Proxmox is an option that I am thinking of, however I was trying to run whatever solution I will end up choosing from the command line to avoid any over head and to have full control. However considering the fact that i am not an expert in Linux, ProxMox could be the easiest option.
    ProxMox is using LXC not LDX. So I will be under their mercy for any changes.
    Do not get me wrong, i have one old ProxMox that is using OpenVZ which is running rock solid.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I haven't tested LXD yet. The problem with LXC (and LXD seem to be based on LXC) is Linux Filesystem quota. A virtualisation that shall be used for an ISPConfig web node must support Linux filesystem quota, otherwise, ISPConfig will not be able to limit the size of a website. I know that there are some setup with LXC that are able to provide Filesystem quota inside the vm, but none of them canme near to the easyness of usage of OpenVZ. But some time has passed since I tested that, so there might be good solutions now. When you seek for a replacement for openVZ servers, then keep an eye on quota, if you can use the traditional Linux quota commands edquota, setquota etc. in the vm and repquota reports the correct sizes that you have set, then you are on a good way for an ISPConfig capable vm :)
  7. ganewbie

    ganewbie Member HowtoForge Supporter

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Possible yes, but the post shows the problems. I'm aware of the tutorial from Croydon for LXC, it works but I fear this kind of setup is is not fast (I/O speed) and as the guy from lxd mentioned, there are security issues when you run LXD in RAW mode.

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