What To Consider When Migrating Master Server To A New Hardware?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by jaypabs, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    I am about to migrate my old server to a new server with higher specs. This server is a master server with the ISPConfig (i.e. with its interface) installed. The other server is also a master since I am using a master <> master replication.

    Is there any existing tutorial for this or any information before I proceed?

    For the meantime, this is what I am planning:
    - stop replication on both server
    - backup all databases from master server 1 to new master server 1 that has ISPConfig with interface installed

    For the email, I don't know how to migrate it. I hope somebody can point me any info here.

    For the replication on both server, that is, the new server 1 and still the same server 2, can I just resume the replication after changing the master_host by using the command "start slave" after migrating the database? Or do I need to specify the MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Does the master server is only an ISPConfig master (runs ISPConfig GUI and ISPConfig database) or does it run other services locally like websites or email?

    Moving emails to a new server is quite easy, compared to hosted websites, as all email accounts are in the database only plus the data is all in /var/vmail folder and is owned by the vmail user and group. So moving ISPConfig database to a new server plus copying /var/vmail (while preserving permissions and file ownerships) is enough. In addition, you must run Tools > resync for email part to get spamfilter file created again in Rspamd or amavis.
  3. jaypabs

    jaypabs Member

    It runs all services.

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