Hello, I've recently faced a server failure, I have a backup of various directory ( /var, /etc, /usr ...) and started to rebuild the server and putting back online the website, but I'm looking for the saved email that where received previously by the differents address that where online before. If someone could point me out to the location and the procedure to put them back on the newlly recreated address. Thanks
Email is stored in /var/vmail/ If you have a backup, just copy the data back. Emails are just text files.
Thanks I found them, i copied the whole directory of the mail address direclty in the new one on the new server but then I can't access the mails from thunderbird, I only see two folders probably created by the client on his old mailbox but when i try to get inside I got an error saying " [SERVERBUG] Internal error occured. Refer to server log for more information" I tried on the service mail2web too and got this error: Error : ErrBadMailboxName Also I'm not getting the newly send emails neither. Do you have any clue ? or know where to look for the logs Thanks
Did you copied the files and folders with preserved permissions and ownerships? You can try this on the new server: chown -R vmail:vmail /var/vmail