I have successfully installed ISPConfig 3 (according to the instructions shown here http://www.how2forge.org/perfect-server-debian-lenny-ispconfig3). Now, how do I access phpmyadmin?
Then you might have not selected apache 2 to be configured during phpmyadmin configuration. Please reconfigure phpmyadmin and select apache2. run: dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin
Thanks for the help Till. I actually did that the first time. I realized that the problem was that ISPConfig did not include the configuration f /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf in the apache2 configuration. I had to manually include it for it to work. But it is supposed to do this automatically, right? Permissions problem? Anyway, thanks again Bro.
This is configured by debian when you select to configure apache 2 in the phmyadmin installer, ispconfig does not has to configure it.
I know this is an old thread now, but: I have a new installation of ISPConfig3 on a new Debian server, and I am experiencing the same problem. I will proceed to manually include the phpmyadmin/apache.conf file in the apache directives. But why won't my phpmyadmin include it automatically? any ideas?
Is there a phpmyadmin.conf symlink in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ that points to /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf? If not, please create it and restart Apache.