where is the site directory?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by bobpit, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. bobpit

    bobpit Member

    I made just one clisent "client1" and hust one site https://surf-anonymous.info/.

    According to the default html page, it should be located " in the web directory."

    I could not find any "/web" directory. After much searching from Filezilla, I located the directory to be this one: /var/www/clients/client1/web2/web

    There seems to be a symlink from /var/www/clients/client1/surf-anonymous.info to /var/www/clients/client1/web2.

    Question1: Why isn't the site inside the /web directory? Why so much confusion?

    The righs in this directory are 755. I tried to upload a simple text file and it failed :

    Question 2: What changes do I need to make, to upload my files there?
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2013
  2. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    It's because of the structure as websites get handled in ISPConfig, me think.

    Clients: all clients are under clients and numbered starting with 1 (client1)
    Web(No.): is what website and numbered starting with 1
    Web: the directory where the website is located in structure.

    If you download WinSCP (freeware) http://winscp.net/eng/download.php install the apps in Windows and use the same credentials as for PuTTY to SSH to the server, you could "see" the structure.


    Now if you click on an Domain you'll get the Server Path in the grey address line


    and if you open the web folder, the place where websites/scripts are placed, it looks like this this:


    Using FTP, the site will be correctly placed inside the web folder. It's maybe confusing but is has to follow the logic of the application.

    And you have only write permissions to the web folder and it.s contents, but to web(No.)!

    In WinSCP you may could edit some files but be very careful because you could crash ISPConfig, as I did a few days ago!! Within SSH, only edit if you're 100% sure and know what you're doing!
  3. bobpit

    bobpit Member

    Yes, I see all the directories like you say.

    Today the rights I see are 710. I was able to upload directories and files. strange.

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