Hello, I'm searching where is stored the WEBID auto-increment number which is used in the auto prefix user. I whant to reset this number or init it to a fixed number because I will migrate some accounts from another server and i whant keep the old username. Can you help me ? Thank you
The auto-increment is in the table definition of the isp_isp_web table in the ISPConfig database. I wouldn't change anything there, you'll most probably mess up the database!
Thank you. But, I want to migrate some accounts from another ISPConfig to a new ISPConfig (on another server) and I want to give the same login on the new server that on the old server. old server: web15_login web20_login... new server: web15_login web20_login But I don't know how to make this except create fake accounts (web1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ; use web15; 16,17,18,19 ; use web20) etc... thank you by advance, arnaud
This should do the trick, but as Falko has mentioned, do this at your own risk: Code: alter table isp_isp_web, auto_increment=[I]starting number[/I]