Which Linux for me?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Fransman, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. Fransman

    Fransman New Member


    I wonder which Linux would be the most approriate for me, i would like:
    • to have a complete samba network that works perfectly (it doesn't always work)
    • To use it as a multimedia item but also office
    • Easy to use but with quit many option of configuration for everything (network, samba, firewall, etc.)

    • I'm not looking for programming, I can but i don't want it, or the less possible
    • A linux with an "activate/deactivate" protection or whatever, i want options to control my computer
    • A linux tooooooo easy either, i want to be really in it, i don't want to have a linux for kids who don't know how to use a thing on linux or something, i want to use yum or yumex

    I tryied Mandriva 2006 but some told me Mandriva wasn't so good, i liked it but maybe to easy too, i'll try it again if i don't have any answers from you
    Ubuntu didn't look like so easy, only the terminal was present (maybe i didn't installed it corectly but i followed the instalation perfectly)
    Fedora core 4 was good, but maybe too protective and not so easy to configure

    Thank you a lot for your help!
  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Well as a desktop linux I prefer Xandros / Suse 10x (even if I normally don't like SUSE).

    I also tried Kubuntu but I hate the concept of this empty root pwd and stuff. There SUSE qas very fine by just asking for root pwd when doing root things from a restricted user....
  3. Fransman

    Fransman New Member

    Xandros ey? never heard about, could you tell me more? is it free? is it complete or is it empty? (programs and miscellaneous)
  4. badgerbox76

    badgerbox76 Member

    Get Ubuntu! Its great if you want a low maintance desktop that EZ to use for starters. You dont even have to open the terminal to install software if you are scared.
  5. Fransman

    Fransman New Member

    yeah but i want the terminal, but maybe not for the whole thing, maybe for a part, otherwise with a good help that explains exactly every command and with a good explanation for each of the commands.

    If you know one linux with one websites that explains perfectly every command of the terminal, it would certainly be perfect for me
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    For a desktop I'd recommend Ubuntu. I don't like rpm-based distros, and especially SuSE 10.1 is very slow (well, yast is).
    Have a look here: http://linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php
  7. Fransman

    Fransman New Member

    good good, thanks for the link!

    I have a laptop by the way, but does it really matters?
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It could be a problem regarding the drivers. But this is a trial and error thing. :D
  9. Fransman

    Fransman New Member

    so... in other therms, F... it? oooh... i knew it was a bad idee to buy a laptop.... thanks anyway!
  10. essell

    essell New Member

    Good Bet

    Give Kanotix 2006 Easter a try...best hardware recognition around and lots of handles on the controls along with a great forum for support. Kano and his wizards are amazing.
  11. Destroyer

    Destroyer New Member


    I saw you had tried Fedora 4 have you tried Fedora core 5 as i found it to have good hardware recognition and lots of options including Yumextender.

    I did have one problem with the Nvidia card but a simple Yum update fixed that!

    Also luckily all the linux magazines seem to be suppling the install DVD with this months editions.


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